I just checked the 5/11 OUN 21Z sounding and I so see that the Buoyancy value was very marginal. I guess this is a Meteo 101 question, but: what is the cue that parcels are not surface/PBL--based?Once we approached 0-01z the LLJ increased a bit which I think aided in getting these guys rooted into the boundary layer.
The 21Z profile does not look like one I'd associate with elevated convection. I've always assumed the phrase "rooted in the boundary layer" to mean that surface-based (or parcels originating in the boundary layer) can reach the LFC, whereas elevated convection occurs when PBL-based parcels cannot reach the LC but an elevated parcel can. Here's what I mean. In the image below, the yellow bands represent layers which satisfy the Carlson-Lanicci criteria for EML transition layers, and the cyan bands are layers where the static stability is ≤ 4.5˚C/100mb.
What prevents surface based parcels from reaching the LFC (which is about 900mb, give or take)?

BTW--I do appreciate the help understanding what's going on so I can make the most of my opportunities to get out and observe storms. Thank you.