2016-03-15 EVENT: MO/IL/IN/MI/OH

Strongly recommend east of the Mississippi River for a couple reasons. First the logistics is better. Who wants to worry about a river crossing during the chase? One could lose the storm, or worse run out of escape routes. Also believe the meteorology will be better east anyway.

Pre-frontal trough is forecast ahead of the cold front. I would chase the intersection of the prefrontal trough and warm front / outflow boundary. The WF/OFB may merge or become hard to discern from one another, as is sometimes the case in the Midwest. Regardless, I would look for the cell closest to the intersection with the prefrontal trough. I would not bite on any early cold front cells. Wait for 1-2 to go on the prefrontal trough farther east. HRRR suggests a right moving beast on the prefrontal trough and warm front intersection, well into central Illinois and way east of the River.

Maybe this is not a travel day but it is definitely a local chase day if one live in Illinois, southeastern Iowa or eastern Missouri. From the latter two states still get into Illinois.