05/06/05 TALK: KS/NE/CO

We're in a hotel in DDC getting ready for tomorrow... But we'll likely go out after anything that forms a bit more closer to us (the closest storms are still about 100 miles away) later...
I just talked to Verne Carlson... he's hauling east from Wild Horse, Colo heading in the direction of Kit Carson to get on that cell. His Baron has had rotational skits on it for 30 minutes... looks incredible on radar.. the image below taken at 3:50ish MDT

[Broken External Image]:http://clem.mscd.edu/~laubacht/yowza.gif

Go Verne! BTW, he took battle wounds from a wall of tumbleweed earlier... scratches on his legs but is trucking on! A dedicated chaser!

2 inch hail reported south of Arapahoe on this cell!
Storms continue to slowly diminish across CO, although the supercellular storm in SW NE still has some severe potential...

I think the threat is pretty much over for tonight...
In Burlington, CO now, the storm that Tony mentions above fizzled out but I have the best structure I've seen all day with this cell nearing I-70 just west of here. Nice lowering on it with a feeder band going into it. Heading west of town for a better view! :D
Cell just north of Carlsbad, NM just went tornado warned. GRLevel3 showing 57 kts outbound and ~30 inbound. Looks pretty good on refelctivity as well.