What Have You Learned from Your Chase Busts?

Don't chase hung over.

That sounds horrible. You're already not sleeping much, cramped in a car for hour after hour.. why would you do this to yourself?

Similar to this rule is don't eat bad food and don't gorge yourself on food that you do eat. A cheeseburger and some fries from McDonald's won't hurt you, but going to White Castle and eating a 10 sack of sliders does not make for a good chase. Eating several five-layer burritos from Taco Bell and thinking of washing it down with a liter of apple juice? You might want to think again. Thankfully, I haven't had to learn either rule the hard way.
That sounds horrible. You're already not sleeping much, cramped in a car for hour after hour.. why would you do this to yourself?

Similar to this rule is don't eat bad food and don't gorge yourself on food that you do eat. A cheeseburger and some fries from McDonald's won't hurt you, but going to White Castle and eating a 10 sack of sliders does not make for a good chase. Eating several five-layer burritos from Taco Bell and thinking of washing it down with a liter of apple juice? You might want to think again. Thankfully, I haven't had to learn either rule the hard way.

I usually go for the same or a similar meal for lunch/dinner when I'm out. 2 McDouble's and fries :D
3). Avoid entering Indian Reservations, especially in South Dakota, where people brake for no reason in front of you causing you to lock-up and all the GPS, laptops, and equipment going flying.

I've learned that following too closely and not paying attention can often lead to situations like this - whether on Indian reservations or not.
The most painful "bust" I've had was deciding to stay home when I thought nothing was going to happen. Let's just say I was wrong.

After that day, I chased everything I could when I had the time to do so! Again, I'm a newbie, and I haven't had the opportunity to take things too far away from home, but I will NOT sit at home again!

Nothing hurts worse than being at home having to watch the radar as tornadoes pop up right around what was your target area, but yet you are too far away to catch up with the storms. Sigh...

That one still hurts!
I would be careful with the "never leave your target" mentality. It is a much better idea to keep an eye on the situation and adjust as necessary. If conditions at your target are as forecast, then by all means, stick around... but if they change, be willing to move.