Two things went wrong. We were in the same area. Started out in Blackwell, relaxing over a sit-down lunch. Upon initiation in both Harper County KS and near Enid, OK we went west of I-35 to Pond Creek, OK to intercept the "Enid" cell. As Wichita tornadoed, we tried to forget that we based out of Wichita. Meanwhile "Enid" storm approached Pond Creek, OK. Behind it we saw another storm with a gorgeous barber pole and hook on radar. Unfortunately the front storm near Pond Creek cut off inflow to the back storm and barber pole. The front storm environment was more stable, so it was literally wasting inflow earmarked for the back storm. Inefficiency at its worst.
Anyway we jog north toward Medford, OK hedging our bets on the front and back storms. Eventually a wall cloud on the front storm can't be ignored as it lumbers across the Kansas state line. Between Caldwell and South Haven, KS we document a brief hose tornado that ropes out after less than 5 minutes. We had to see it through rain, out of position, but that's better than seeing nothing. Soon everything in Kansas lined out and tail end charlies failed all afternoon in northern OK.
Meanwhile the Shawnee tornado is being well documented, not getting rain wrapped, and cycling multiple times. Ditto from near Edmond east. We believe that two things went wrong. First, the northern cluster was inefficient. The storm in the best environment got cut off by a freeloader on the inflow. Net result was a poor use of available parameters/resources. Sure we saw a hose; however, better luck would have lead to a cycling elephant trunk and stovepipe show. Then the two beasts down near OKC (Edmond and Shawnee) destroyed anything to their north by cutting off the LLJ.
I'm not going to complain much because we booked a tornado. We did not see Moore, but we were "pre-redeemed" with the complete Rozel, KS show on May 18th. Saw both cycles start to finish, 3 tornadoes total including the double on the second cycle. You win some you lose some. Rozel made it an excellent chase trip!