Welcome cold front

Mar 6, 2005
Hand up who's looking forward to this cold front then???

The first cold front of the fall/winter 2005 season is fast approaching us here at OUN. Locations in the Oklahoma Panhandle are now at 57oF with a north wind at Boise City of 26mph. Norman is still south of the front and currently stands at 84/73 with a Heat Index of 91oF, and light southwest winds.

We are under a wind advisory for strong gusty north winds with the frontal passage, and are due to have a high of only 72 tomorrow.

I really like this time of year when the Canadian fronts get started. It signals an end to the incessant heat and provides a break from the long, hot summer. I also get excited looking forward to the really cold weather, having fires in the fireplace, and festivities. Not to mention wishing and praying every night that this winter will be the winter that Norman finally gets a winter storm.

Yep, I certainly can't wait for some big snows...

After this cold front comes through tonight, BUFKIT kicks wind gusts up to 45-55KNTS for a solid 4-6 hours in the strong CAA. It's timed pretty well with the pressure fall/rise couplet, which should helps things out. This is pretty early in the season to be getting such strong winds (usually happens in November)...

No wind advisories out just yet for our area, but I am betting that by the afternoon AFD, things will change.
Where is the cold front, it's stetching from Canada, down to OK, and then to the west, right? Is it moving East, or is it stationary? Why do wind advisories come with fronts (Cold, Warm)? I have seen cold fronts in the spring time, so I guess this is the first for 'fall'.
Originally posted by rdewey
Yep, I certainly can't wait for some big snows...

After this cold front comes through tonight, BUFKIT kicks wind gusts up to 45-55KNTS for a solid 4-6 hours in the strong CAA. It's timed pretty well with the pressure fall/rise couplet, which should helps things out. This is pretty early in the season to be getting such strong winds (usually happens in November)...

No wind advisories out just yet for our area, but I am betting that by the afternoon AFD, things will change.

Don't swear on ST - not looking foward to "big snows" at all :lol:

The GFS still keeps us in the 70s all the way through mid-October, so I'm hoping this winter will feature above average temperatures.
I can speak for many in Minnesota when I say "Bring on global warming!". Does anyone up north really get excited for the season's first frost/freeze advisory? I find it somewhat depressing that summer is ending when that happens. Those of you in Oklahoma, your winter is what I would like winter to be like. A big snowstorm once in a while to play in, but without the conditions that persist for 3 months. :)
For those of us in Texas, fropas has been a long awaited for event. In the wake of Rita we've been experiencing some of the warmest weather we've had all Summer. She left us with a very tropical environment since her passage (which was not near as drawn-out as predicted originally).

For those who like playing with an 8-Ball, dare I say, I peeked at Accuweather.com for a "humor me" type forecast idea of what to expect for the next 2 weeks. No sign of 90's in sight thus far. However, somehow, we've never had trouble recovering from a brief cool spell this time of year, only to reintroduce a 3 digit number back into the forecast.

Here's to Fall...ing temps...

Well I have mixed feelings about this front. First I will really enjoy the cooler temps :) but the front will take all the moisture with it and leaving Friday, which could have been a nice chase day, high and dry :evil: :cry:.

Oh well bring the cooler temps on but leave the cold crap up north (where they actually get tornadoes).

Yes, I am ready for Fall. I'm really hoping we get some bad-weather home games this year. Seems we've been hard-pressed to get a game to fall on a rainy day since 2002. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the early-season scorchers where people are being carted out of the stadium with heat exhaustion, but what I really love are the games where it's cold and rainy, those rule. The nastier the weather during a game, the more I'm into it.

I'm not really hopeful for any Fall chases (real tornado chances, not those "just because there's a slight and it's October" deals), so I'm pretty much into full-on "football weather" mode. I'm ready for consecutive rainy days with slow-moving systems, the smell of fireplace smoke, and seeing my breath freeze.
Shane is right.... nasty home games rock. Remember the IA-State game a few years ago when we exposed Seneca Walace? It poured for most of the game.

I remember when we blocked a punt and the kicker tried to kick it out of the endzone... except he pulled a Charlie Brown and completely missed the ball.


I'm tracking the windshift via the OK mesonet and Twin Lakes radar. I intend to be standing outside when the surface flow swings around out of the north here in Denton, even though the cooler air lags behind. I can't wait!
My mom is in KS, right now, around Topeka/KS City, and she says the wind is so strong you can not even get your do open in the car, at least 67 MPH. What is causing this?
We enjoyed the FROPA this morning at about 4:30. Temps dropped and the winds were howling for nearly 45 minutes. Right now, cool, dreary, and damp; reminds me of Ohio! Its very nice! The relief won't last long as temps are expected to rebound back into the 80s again tomorrow! :cry: I cannot wait for a consistant fall spell and maybe even some snow!
I will host a BBQ if anyone wants to party in Upstate New York (Albany). We get great snowstorms in the winter and are 15-45 minutes from some of the best ski resorts in the US. Where else can you find -35 F air temperatures other than Saranac Lake, NY or 125" lake effect snowstorms (with CG) besides Boonville, New York.

Yuck. I'm getting upset just thinking about it.