Warning Lights

I do not know what the big deal it with Lightbars. I only turn them on when I want to.
Each individual light is synchronized to the tune of "Here Comes the Rain" automatically switchable upon Active Tornado Warnings to "Bad Moon Rising."

To Each Their Own.


  • lightbartruck.jpg
    18.8 KB · Views: 79
I do not know what the big deal it with Lightbars. I only turn them on when I want to.
Each individual light is synchronized to the tune of "Here Comes the Rain" automatically switchable upon Active Tornado Warnings to "Bad Moon Rising."

To Each Their Own.

Why do you make a mockery of a legitimate conversation? Nobody on the face of this planet has a truck with that many lights, and none of us here have anything close to that.
Clearly you have never seen the Lubbock EMS First Responder Fox trucks! Looks like a UFO coming down the road.
I probably have myself, but don't remember exactly....however, it is the same thing in Florida, especially in more central areas where when it is dark, it is really dark...and the lights are just way too much.

Maybe it's the younger folks that can adjust to those bright EMT and police lights, but even me at age 31 and especially many older than me say that those lights are tooooo bright! In fact, many complain about the headlights on some of the luxury vehicles like the BMW and Lexus with the Xenon and other ultra bright headlights....it's just too much.

I really thought the danger of being hit while off the road was due mostly to elderly, wet road conditions (hydroplaining), drunk drivers, etc. None of which will be helped by flashy light thingies (thingies...LOL). If you really want people to know there is a tornado warning, just make a big poster board and write "tornado warning" and stand outside holding it up toward oncoming traffic. That is a lot easier:D

BTW...think we'll make 100 posts in this thread by midnight?
Why do you make a mockery of a legitimate conversation? Nobody on the face of this planet has a truck with that many lights, and none of us here have anything close to that.

Lets see:
Search Button - Type: Lightbars
Search Results - 59 Threads
----------------3855 Replies - Plus 1
Lightbars -------PRICELESS !

Below is the view of the other side of the truck.


  • lightbartruck2.jpg
    18.6 KB · Views: 51
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I used to try to argue this subject seriously every time it came up. In the end, I realized it was just like politics and religion and both sides of the issue are sure they are right and at the end of the day everyone just ends up pissed at each other over the arguing of it.

Now my policy when it comes up is just to post making fun of my own self, which takes a barb out of the competitions arsenal, and I still get a post in epic ST threads. LOL
Lets see:
Search Button - Type: Lightbars
Search Results - 59 Threads
----------------3855 Replies - Plus 1
Lightbars -------PRICELESS !

Below is the view of the other side of the truck.

In "light" of Dennis' exhaustive efforts to point out that, yes indeed, this topic has been discussed a few times around here, I propose that a new section be created on StormTrack especially for the discussion of lightbars. Anyone want to second this nomination?

Or should people just take a few seconds and learn to use the search feature like Dennis has demonstrated? It's a-freaking-mazing how many "new" questions can be answered by using it! Of course it would cut down on the fun factor a bit! :D
In "light" of Dennis' exhaustive efforts to point out that, yes indeed, this topic has been discussed a few times around here, I propose that a new section be created on StormTrack especially for the discussion of lightbars. Anyone want to second this nomination?

Would this be for light reading only? We just need to implement the "Whackometer" test kit for use in future posts. On a much lighter note, a light scorecard sample appears below:

It seems as though lightbar discussions here are like intel vs. amd discussions at my computer forums. :p

Nobody wins, except intel.

On a serious note, I think a sticky should be compiled. A non-biased sticky stating that lighting to a certain extent is acceptable and a complete personal choice.
In "light" of Dennis' exhaustive efforts to point out that, yes indeed, this topic has been discussed a few times around here, I propose that a new section be created on StormTrack especially for the discussion of lightbars. Anyone want to second this nomination?

Or should people just take a few seconds and learn to use the search feature like Dennis has demonstrated? It's a-freaking-mazing how many "new" questions can be answered by using it! Of course it would cut down on the fun factor a bit! :D
I like the first idea. But there would be complications... Do we really want to make sections regarding speeding, blowing through lights, going the wrong way on a highway, getting too close, and all of the other wonderful things we chasers have to discuss?
I like the first idea. But there would be complications... Do we really want to make sections regarding speeding, blowing through lights, going the wrong way on a highway, getting too close, and all of the other wonderful things we chasers have to discuss?

Those should be no-no's in everybody's book.
Would this be for light reading only? We just need to implement the "Whackometer" test kit for use in future posts. On a much lighter note, a light scorecard sample appears below:


Yes, yes, yes.....that is the best. I keep meaning to ask them to rate my van on the whackometer (they already did post my retarded looking photoshop picture) even though the van is no longer.

I could see a sub, sub forum on the OT section.