• A student is looking for help on tropical cyclone prediction. Please fill out the survey linked to this thread: https://stormtrack.org/threads/storm-and-hurricane-intensity-prediction-survey.32957
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    I apologize to those who continue to have issues with the service and continue to see their issues left unaddressed. Please understand that the connection between ST and SN was put in place long before I had any say over it. But now that I am the "captain of this ship," it is within my right (nay, duty) to make adjustments as I see necessary. Ending this relationship is such an adjustment.

    For those who continue to need help, I recommend navigating a web browswer to SpotterNetwork's About page, and seeking the individuals listed on that page for all further inquiries about SpotterNetwork.

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    Sincerely, Jeff D.

Vehicle Hail Protection essay

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I knw RJ...ande yes, he is a pretty good chaser, and a smart individual where the technology of chasing is concerned. He used to be somebody you could go up to and talk shop with without a problem...like I said, I don't know what happened to him.

Looking around his page, it looks like you'll get a beat down if you talk to him while out in the field... http://eldiablo.blog-city.com/ ... The fact of the matter is that he has a vehicle which draws attention. If he wants to be a prick to those who inquire about it, then so be it. If you don't want folks asking you all the time, then make your setup a little more discrete. :roll:

I just say this: "MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS". This world would be much nicer if people minded their own business and let others do what they want to do (yes, there are limits...). Don't be so critical of other chasers!
I just say this: "MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS". This world would be much nicer if people minded their own business and let others do what they want to do (yes, there are limits...). Don't be so critical of other chasers!

Amen to that!

Man, I really don’t know what his problem is. It’s only OK to build a hail cage if you’re planning on deliberately driving into a hail core?? Huh??? What part of “I don’t want to have a stray baseball break my windshield and ruin my chase†doesn’t this guy understand? I met RJ years ago, very briefly, and he seemed like an OK guy. But just because he was the first to build a hail shield, that doesn’t give him the right to harass others who think it’s a good idea. Hail cores are an inevitable hazard to chasers. Sometimes you’re just going to get cored, not by design but simply because the most interesting parts of a supercell are near the region of large hail. Does he really think it’s possible to chase and not get hail dents? I got news: hail dents are part of the process, and all chasers end up with them. Given that hail is almost inevitable, what’s so wrong about wanting to protect your windshield? RJ, get a grip. There are problems in the world of chasing, but this ain’t one of them!
RJ Evans is a great chaser and forecaster. That said, I'm also noticing a trend these days that if a person isn't slamming the entire chase community for something publically, then they can't be taken seriously themselves. I'm sorry that he had to resort to the wild profanity to get his point across, as there are some valid points buried somewhere between the malevolence in there. I guess it's all in the things in which a person is seeking attention ... their car or their attitude.
RJ was/is a pretty good guy when I met him on a chase tour some years ago. He drove for XXXXXXX Tours.

As I remember there was a parting of the ways precipitated when the leader of XXXXXXXXXX Tours and some of the guests used major CP air drizzle-time one night in Goodland to wrap RJ's entire vehicle in a cocoon of plastic including his pro-grade three-cup anemometer and newly-installed hail shield :roll: . The pro-grade, three-cup anemometer broke sometime during the wrapping or un-wrapping process. RJ was not amused, and was last seen rapidly leaving the Super 8 parking lot for Oklahoma trailing scraps of Saran Wrap. :) This event may also have hastened his self-described retreat from christianity.... :lol:

Now You Know the Rest of the Story!....
I'm surprised he would go after other chasers like that since he seems to hint in his blog he's been the target of the same sort of judgement.....

7) If you happen to have a PhD in meteorology, have an attitude toward me, and decide that laughing at the RM Young equipment on my roof is fun because you think it's there as some sort of "I'm a storm chaser" statement, I'll shove all 3.5 Mb of computer code, that my wife slaved over, right up your arogant asshole until your puking 1's and 0's out from between your teeth!

This RJ guy and his website are funny as hell! But I do think that RJ has some "issues". :lol: :D
It sounds to me like he doesn't want anybody else to have a "look at me" vehicle so that we can all be in awe of his "look at me vehichle". Either that, or he just wanted to be sure and let everybody know how much time and effort he has put into his equipment so that we are aware that what we have doesn't even come close in comparison. He may have some issues.

For most of us storm chasing is a hobby. Personally, I don't have any type of equipment attached to my vehicle. All we carry are the "Roads of ..." maps and our cameras. I like keeping it simple. If someone wants to put $50 instruments on their car then great. If someone else wants to spend thousands of hours and dollars on higher quality instruments then go for it, but that gives them NO right to belittle anything that other people are doing.
By Gum, when I can afford RM Young equipment, I'll have RM Young equipment. In the mean time, Davis Instruments and the +/- 5% will certainly beat the daylights out of my +/- 10 mph (or more) SWAG. Nope, it's not scientific grade. The purposes for which I use it aren't scientific. If my single report skews the data from the LSR Database that much, then maybe the NWS Science folks shouldn't be using that data. When I report 75 and 80 mph winds to the radio listeners, it's a red flag that maybe THEY should be doing something radical. Like maybe headed for the basement? It's certainly a warning that there is something pretty serious headed into town.

What about that Big honkin nasty tornado that I don't see? Or even that hail that busted my windshield because I'm an "Amateur" and don't deserve the "right" to protect my vehicle just because I was unlucky enough to chase at night and get caught in an unseen hail core. Yeah, my little Davis "Psuedo" MM didin't help me out there, but neither did the uneducated person on the Skywarn net. It's not really his fault though as he is a volunteer and hasn't had hours and hours of WSR-88D theory and interpretation. Or maybe it is because no one has bothered to take the time to teach him the very basics of looking at something than BREF1 just because it has pretty colors. No one told him about LOS and angles. No one told him that the various markers that show up aren't absolute.

Nope, I don't have a PhD in meteorology. Not even close. Yeah, I have a few Skywarn classes under my belt and even an advanced class or two in there. Am I an expert? Not on your life. I AM more knowledgable than 95% of my listening audience though. Those folks rely on yself and others like me to report what we see whether it be scientific or not.

Oh well, It seems I'm feeding the troll that Greg let loose amongst us. 'Nuff' said on my side.

Oh here we go into the whole "you built a hail guard because you INTEND to drive into a core" BS....I so love it when folks imply motives for doing something when they were nowhere near the situation at that time. Once again, it sounds like RJ's referring to Scott and me with our hail guard, since that's been posted here and elsewhere before.

I keep telling folks this was an INSURANCE POLICY against hail. What's so wrong with that??? We didn't intend to drive into any cores, and were just as dismayed as everyone else when we got beaten up by softballs in the South Plains storm on May 12. I mean, by his ridiculous logic, having an airbag in your car means you're a terrible driver who intends to have a head-on collision. Cops who put on bullet-proof vests WANT to be shot. People who buy insurance in FL plan to be wiped out by a hurricane.

Still, some like RJ refuse to believe this. But it doesn't matter...Everything I'm saying now is classified in his deranged mind as a "BS excuse". I wouldn't be surprised if he's got books of "proof" of gov't alien conspiracies. I don't know what happened to him...he used to be a really cool guy.
I knew I didn't like the idiot when I went to his website and saw the logo "giving me the finger". This dude has some real issues and it's idiots like him that give us all a bad name. So what does RJ stand for? Hey, I know...Real Jackass :lol:
I agree on some aspects of what he says, but he should chill and not be such an a**hole about it. :shock:
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