Vehicle Hail Protection essay

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Well I think he seems to agree about the ass thing.

"My name is" bla bla bla ". I'm also known as El Diablo, Satan, Mr. Tinker Train, Tattooed Covered Asshole, and other colorful names."

Ack, and I have one of those 3-cup anenometers mag mounted to the top of my vehicle! I do hope it is accurate to +-5mph when the vehicle is not in motion, because I purchased it for the sole purpose of relaying 58+mph wind measurements to the NWS. I wonder what the true, non advertised, accuracy really is on it, it's an 80 dollar deal, nothing fancy.
As for the hail core punching stuff, I thought that was funny. That's the part of the storm I am most afraid of and make a point to stay away at all times, until I can find a cheap bulletproof vehicle. I wonder if the government ever auctions those off, hehe.
I guess you could say that his opinions are his own opinions, and he is definately entitled to them, no matter how skewed that they seem to be. Man, RJ used to be one heck of a good guy...I have no clue what happened.

As for Davis and other "consumer" instruments...well, if they don't work, and their data is useless, makes you wonder why the NWS offices always asks if the wind was measured or estimated. If it really doesn't matter, why ask?
I guess since "consumer grade" weather readings (i.e. wind speed measurement) is so mucking up the LSR database we should all go back to the old way of estimating since that is so much more accurate. :roll: Or even better, lets just stop making reports at all. :roll:
I've used several variations of roof-mounted consumer anemometers, and have tested them on calm days by comparing speedometer readings with the anemometer readout at a wide range of speeds. Furthermore, I took stationary readings and compared them to the nearest NWS metar observations. Margin of error has consistently been +-3mph.
hmmm I enjoyed it. I agree with several of RJ's points. There was some stuff I didnt agree with him on.

But regardless, It's was kind of nice to see someone not afraid to really speak what was on his mind considering all of the politically correct BS that is all over the place.
I knw RJ...ande yes, he is a pretty good chaser, and a smart individual where the technology of chasing is concerned. He used to be somebody you could go up to and talk shop with without a I said, I don't know what happened to him.
I ask that no one else reply to this thread because all that R.J. wants is attention and I for one am not going to give it to him and put up with his B.S. I encourage everyone on this board to do the same. It would be different if he presented the editorial in a manner that didn't attack almost every chaser in the world but I guess that would be too easy for him. A fifth grader could figure out what these guys are trying to do.
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