Tornado Drought

You got that right, it was a great year for many chasers. I can't stand it when I hear people say "bad years"...

It's relative, though. I had a bad year because I can't travel if an overnight stay is required. I only did that once and I scored(May 11th, LOL). If you live in Oklahoma, it WAS a bad year, unless you were able to travel a lot.

In reference to your comment on May 11th....Think of 2005 as May 11th on a larger scale. It was a bust for most people, but there were a few that scored big. 8)
I think a lot of people judge chase years by their own personal luck instead of the overall climo. I didn't do extremely well at all, but I consider 2005 a good chase year. Because I missed out on the June stuff doesn't mean the year was a bad one. Also, a lot of chasers are still new and have only 2003-2004 to compare things to, which skews the perception of reality.
Can't say it enough, amazes me how OK is always the topic when tornadoes don't happen. Weird why no other state raises eyebrows.

It's true, but for some reason when people think of tornadoes, thunderstorms and supercells, Oklahoma comes to mind....maybe it's because it's like the heart of it all, or because it's had a reputation of it....
Tornadoes from Jan. - Sept. 2005:

Oklahoma 26
Missouri 22
California 29

Yeah, that's why I live in California. We have days like this all the time:


(Not really)