I'm not the producer for this show but was asked to help out if the project goes forward. I think they'll want to follow a couple of storm chasers and put out a request for audition tapes. My stomach curls a bit at the thought of this selection process, it's so "Hollywood".

To me that isn't a process that would promote much saftey.
I'm not ceratin but I don't think the program would be about safety, but about the passion of veteran storm chasers. I don't consider myself that knowlegeable but I do trust my partners, the ROTATE program. And if they end up following Roger Hill or Tim Samaras then I don't think safety is that much of a concern esp when each film crew will have their own "weather guide". A measure that was neglected by the Nat Geo folks as evedent by their close encounter with a 55 gallon drum.

But then who's to say? Some people seem to loose sense on the subject of safety when looking through a camera or while being filmed. I'm guilty of both.
Hey Sean, I don't know if you're still watching this thread, but I had to ask after watching the four part series if Josh's non stop monotone voice ever drove you close to the brink of insanity... it almost did it for me (although I find the man both brilliant and remarkable). Actually I remember the TIV not being too water tight in the Nat Geo special and having no air conditioning. Have you made any changes to it in that regard... I lived in OK for a couple of years and know how hot it can get. The water seepage seems like it might make trouble for all the gear you carry around. Lastly, I might be a crazy Californian, but I think the TIV looks kinda cool.

Okay, I admit it... what a waste of a question!
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Ehi Sean!First of all I'm glad you're here to explain Tiv and in the past threads you responded to some of my questions.

Anyway there's something that I can't understand: from the safety point of view, is the Tiv sure for resist at least F2 force? I mean, is not a problem that the tiv is not completely connected with the ground,in the sense that the wind could pass under the tiv and give a boost to it upwards and lift it?
Speaking generally, maybe it would be better if there would be a sidelong iron bar (o something similar)that you activate when the tornado is moving toward you, that would close the passage of the wind under the car in the order to avoid the possibility of the formation of upwards forces.
Hey Sean, I don't know if you're still watching this thread, but I had to ask after watching the four part series if Josh's non stop monotone voice ever drove you close to the brink of insanity... it almost did it for me (although I find the man both brilliant and remarkable).

Try riding around in the DOW with him everyday ;)
Hey Sean,

Technical question. What is the resolution of the IMAX camera? What kind of film does it use? What are the production cost of developing the film? What is the size of the film?

Curious as I came into chasing as a videographer.
Just saw this thread again....Ahhh Josh's voice....I like it, it's soothing.

The TIV lowers to the ground again. It's just the idea of being rolled by winds greater than 150 mph that keeps our intercept conditions so conservative.

TIV2 will have plates that lower to the ground rather than the vehicle lowering.

The resolution of our 65 mm negative.....each frame is roughly 2" x 3" so we get about ten times the information as compaired to the standard four perf 35mm that is common in feature film production.

We may be shooting in 3D for the 2009 chase season. I've always disliked 3D but a number of Imax theater demand it. So I'm trying to warm up to the idea of doing two versions of the Imax film.

But I have to admit, a 3D shot of a POV tornado impact could be fun.
How often do you guys hear the other term given to the vehicle? The COW. I think that is what I first heard it called.

COW - Coffin On Wheels
How often do you guys hear the other term given to the vehicle? The COW. I think that is what I first heard it called.

COW - Coffin On Wheels

LOL! After watching a few of your Videos Mike, especially the one where you are pretty much directly under a tornado in a regular vehicle and pandomonium is breaking out all around you I think the COW might be more appropriately tagged to your very own wheels sometimes...

Anyways, I just had to get one in there after your post... LOL! Absolutely no offense intended. You are definitely one of my Fave Storm Chasers out there and your body of work is freaking tremendous. I put on Dark times at least once a month in my DVD player.

But back to the TIV... I'm hoping that Nat Geo or Discovery Pics up Sean and Josh where they left off next season so we can see the new improved TIV and/or maybe even the new one. I really enjoyed seeing the claws. Mean TIV.
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lol thanks, but for what it is worth, I'm one of the least brave people out there. I screw up video all the time by not being more brave and holding my spot. Well, back in the day when I was even able to be close enough to anything worth bothering to be brave over I guess. I kick myself constantly for being a puss(5-10-03 for not being there sooner, since I stopped for a brief moment, 5-16-04 for not staying right where I was, 4-6-06 for getting a bit too much out of the way...plus many many more). That is a long interesting topic all by itself, getting close...or "blowing" the shot. That's one of my favorite topics in chasing, all the things one would have done if they had it to do over. I guess it personally is one of my goals, be more brave and get crazier close tornado footage. I realize some think it shouldn't be a goal, but it is for me. It's hard to live it though, once you are there and in the situation, lol.

And so it is clear, I never made up that term the COW. Just heard it several years ago now.
I guess it personally is one of my goals, be more brave and get crazier close tornado footage. I realize some think it shouldn't be a goal, but it is for me. It's hard to live it though, once you are there and in the situation, lol.

Thats interesting, quite the opposite for me, I recall thinking I need to get closer to this thing way more then I ever recall thinking I need to get out of here, and for me bravery has never been an issue. Call me crazy but I desire to get up and as close as possible, while keeping safety in mind (though I use the term safely lightly after all we are chasing tornadoes). Its neat to see a tornado from a distance once or twice, but after while it looses its thunder, the beauty is cool from a distance, but the jaw dropping excitement I crave is up close. I would love to man the TIV not so much for the fact that I could let a weak tornado pass over me, but so I could get closer to the monster tornadoes then I can safely do in my car. When can safely be done, considering roads, potential debris, tornado path, ext... I think you could probably catch me first in line right behind TIV.
Yep, COW has been on our radar, I think we'll use the term next season more, I didn't see any footage on the current show that had us use the term.

The COW or COW2 will hopefully be at the storm chasers convention in Feb.
So what happens to TIV now that TIV2 is making its Debut? Hell, with the price of scrap metal, you probably got a gold mine if you'd just melt the thing down. Probably someone out there in Ebay world willing to give you a pretty penny if your looking to sell it, Leno could add it to his collection of unique vehicles. Maybe the US army will buy it and send it over as a combat vehicle.