Dec 21, 2005
I'm sure the subject of the TIV must be pretty tiresome to most of you, but I thought I would make myself available to anyone who had any lingering questions, comments, or light insults. I've read most of the conversations regarding the TIV and thought it would be nice to clear the air a bit.

Cool! I appreciate the opportunity, Sean -- thanks! I'll start the ball rolling.

Obviously there's a news, publicity, and sensational value that comes with using the TIV for chasing instead of a "normal" vehicle. No doubt it helps to sell video and get sponsors. Nothing wrong with that....

But you're also affiliated with several meteorologists including, if I remember right, Dr. Josh Wurman. What if any are your scientific protocols and objectives? What sort of instrumentation are you using and what data are you collecting? Are there any specific research objectives with the aim of publication being pursued?
For those of you who don't know who this guy is...

Sean Casey is the creater and driver of the TIV-

Tornado Intercept Vehicle.

What is it?

Its a vehicle he designed to get very close to tornado cores to collect large format motion picture film of tornadoes.

Is he crazy?

That's for you to decide. I admire him for following his passion in life.

Tim Samaras
Are you working on a second generation TIV as was suggested in the book "Big Weather"?

Scott Currens
Hi Sean.

Obviously (as most if not all members) saw the piece National Geographic did on you and Josh Wurman. To be straight up and honest here... I think your probably about half nuts on this venture. :)

Now that I have that out of the way, I have to admire your spirit to get that shot that no one else has. As a budding videographer, I think I can understand to a small degree what drives you to get out and do this. Joining forces with Josh Wurman and the DOW Team was one of the better moves you made and lends some credence to what you are doing.

There's been lots of debate in the chasing community about the wisdom of doing what you are attempting to do. I can see three different angles here.

1. Money - To a Cinematographer, thats the key. That's how you put bread on the table. IMAX is known for getting the shots in BIG splendor that no one else has.

2. To be in the books as doing something no on else has done before.

3. Actually contribute to science.

The wisdom side comes in when others see this. Most of us have enough sense that we won't attempt it. Even with the research you've put into it, I don't think this is my cup of tea. However, others (as testified by the Gator Borothers, I can't remember their real names) are going to get out there after seeing something like this and get themselves or others killed or injured.

On that note, tell us more about what you are doing. Straight from the horses mouth so to speak. Let's hear it in your own words and not a PR speech.

I'm really curious. This isn't some frivolous post trying to trip you up or ridicule you. I'm really curious. Especially if I encounter you in my little neck of the woods. I might even hit you up about IMAX Cinematography!

John Diel

[edit] Can't type worth a darn and others jumped right on this didn't they?
What's your opinion of Steve Green? How would you describe the TIV project as opposed to the Tornado Attack project?
I also would like to know your opinion on the T.A.V (Tornado Attack Vehicle), this recently came to my attention from one of my associates. I am not sure what has happened, but I would like t osee your thoughts of it.

Thanks for dropping by. A couple of quick questions:

Will you be out in 2006 and have you made any changes to the vehicle or operating procedure?

When do you expect to do the IMAX film? I am sure you already have some great footage.

Bill Hark
Please forgive the following reply as I've had three glasses of wine.

I haven't figured out how to copy people's comments from their original posts, so bear with me (I'm not very bright, as you will see, or have seen).

John wanted words from the "horse's mouth" as to what my intentions are...without the "pr" crap.

I'm trying to capture what I see as one ot the most amazing things that happens on our planet with what I think is the best medium for doing so, the Imax format. I love it out there, and it will sound goofy, but it is being as close to heaven as I have ever experienced.

I can't see finishing this film without getting the shot of a tornado coming toward us and then impacting our postition. How else could I relay how incredible a tornado is. I see the footage that Tim S. has gotten and it's fantastic, utterly beautiful, and if I could do that with the camera I have access too...

I'm out there to bring back the feeling I get while I'm out there, to pass that on to people that see the film I hope to do.

David wanted to know about the instruments..we have a sonic anemometer, and devises for measuring pressure, temp, and humidity. This is all for Josh Wurman, whatever makes him happy makes me happy. We wouldn't be doing what we are doing without him.

Scott asked about a second generation of the TIV... I just had my first child...and to make a second TIV without outside money would take to much of my time. TIV was always intended to be a prototype, to test different systems against the reality of the road. I wish I had started the project with what I know now. At least TIV wouldn't look so ugly.

I am working on converting Toyota Tundra into a support vehicle for this next year. Complete with a turret over the "camper shell", so that when TIV breaks down again we can throw the camera into it. Or if we don't get funding we'll just take it out and leave the TIV rusting back in LA.

Andrew asked about my thoughts on the TAV...I think Steve Green would make for a fascinating documentary.

I appreciate the questions, I love strom chasing as you all do, and have no intentions of making it into a circus only in trying to get the footage the best I know how, images that will honor what we love to do.

Ooops, I got sappy in the end, ah well...


Hey Bill,

The film will be out in '09 as the spine of the film is about VORTEX2. If V2 has anymore delays then we will try to fund a "mini-V2" to give the film a structure based on science.

If TIV goes out this year she will have the ability to lower all of the way to the ground, new paint, and new air fresheners.

It all depends on Discovery Channel right now.

I think there was alot of confused people in the past ,getting T.A.V and T.I.V. mixed up . Which created alot of the mis-directed comment's in the past couple years. Thankfully it seems this is getting corrected...

When and how did you get drawn to the force?

Glad to see you come on Sean... Welcome aboard
The TIV has nothing on this :p


Haha, Sean, I'm glad it's you doing it and not me 8). I think I'll admire mother nature from a bit further back.
If Sean will post after a few glasses of wine, I will post after a few beers....

First impressions, first impressions. Mine was that "whoever" was the person responsible for the TIV had to be a total moron, having heard that the idea is to punch a nader. I mean, you shoulda heard me laugh.

I'm about as non-judgemental as anyone, but what else was supposed to be my reaction the first time I saw that monstrosity?

Well, having seen the NG production, and Sean's posts here, I am eating crow (once again).

Kudos to ya, Sean. Good luck, and the next time our paths cross, I hope you don't mind that I come up and ask to shake your hand.

Here's a pic (g/f) Floss took of the TIV on June 10, 2004 in Nebraska. I'm embarrassed now that I didn't say "Hi", but you were busy anyway:


I'm the dork in the yellow shirt. Sexy legs, huh? Hahahahahaha

Originally posted by Sean Casey
I'm sure the subject of the TIV must be pretty tiresome to most of you, but I thought I would make myself available to anyone who had any lingering questions, comments, or light insults. I've read most of the conversations regarding the TIV and thought it would be nice to clear the air a bit.


Hi I am fairly new to this forum ( this may have been posted before) do you have a web address for the project?