1. Sorry for the invasive questions, but how did you get around the LEGAL ISSUES with putting this thing on the road? Craig Maire and I were wondering that aloud over the phone.
2. Can your cells contact anyone in case you're the only ones on a particular storm, so that it will be reported? I missed the show unfortunately so I don't know whether your gear would interfere with such communication.
3. I saw a short scene on youtube where some kind of claws were deployed. It looked like they'd either do little but show some entertaining footage to make the audience believe you were going to be okay, or damage the roads I'm, errr, paying taxes for
How do those claws work exactly (if they don't do anything but exist for show it's okay) if you're on paved roads?
4. How big has the (borrowing Dr. Doswell's terms but using it in my own definition, as local "chasers" who don't know a thing about storms) Yahoo train been? Do you discourage them from following you if they don't know who you are, as being a standout vehicle designed to INTERCEPT a tornado would likely be dangerous for those zombies?
5. Finally, have you thought about ever using this vehicle to intercept a hurricane via finding a nice spot and anchoring long-term? Could there be enough patience, food/water, and crew chemistry to make it through, as well as ... uh ... some decent method of ... errrrrrrr ... "waste disposal" shall we say
Feel free to say "wait 'till you watch the show" to any (or all) of these questions since I'm planning to get my hands on the docu whenever I get the chance.
Best wishes and STAY SAFE - you know the variables might not pan out and you could easily get whacked and roll in this. Hope TIV2 comes out soon.