I know...it isn't just your photo. I guess I take photographs to share with people and really don't care who uses them. I realize other people have other reasons for taking photos. No big deal either way. It is just funny to see a huge name across the center of a photo It kinda ruins it for me. But that is just me nothing against you or anything.
It is fun to view photos with big names across the middle of the photograph. heh
Things can be funny to you and be left as is(unsaid) I think. Way blown out highlights and shadows ruin things a lot quicker for me than someone's © on an image.
A person CAN shoot to share their images with others and desire a simple credit. Maybe you should try having someone else post your images for a while with no mention that you shot them. I can't help but think it might bug ya. Perhaps it wouldn't. It doesn't bug me that much. What bugs me is the fact a simple credit is SIMPLE. So while being un-bugged I have to say screw those individuals getting to host/post anything of mine(unless they are willing to put up a simple credit...then have at it). THAT to me would be the main reason to put a © on an image. Screw the lazy bastards that want to steal crap and say they shot it. So I wouldn't imply that someone putting a © on an image doesn't like to share them with others(maybe you really weren't).
Great images all.