I've been monitoring this thread since its inception and also have been monitoring the thread on Wx-Chase as well. I finally got to see the video of the incident this morning (at least the one available on KOCO TV).
What struck me was how rough the deputy was to Brian. I didn't see Brian resisting or putting up a fight....but the deputy seemed to be pulling Brian around like he was a rag doll. Definitely no need of that!!...very unprofessional and is beyond reasonable force. I'd really like to see the entire video from start to finish to get some perspective of the entire event.
One other thing that struck me is that this kind of reminds of a story that my fiancee told me that happened to her. She was driving from Albuquerque to Lubbock one evening about 3 years ago and she was pulled over in Swisher County, TX for doing 68 in a 65 and she was given the riot act and was asked a million questions on where she got the car, why she went to Albuquerque, etc, etc. The story behind that is that she was visiting her family in Lubbock, had to rent a car, and wanted to take a day and visit Albuquerque.
I honestly believe that most cops are good people and normally don't hassle citizens, chasers, etc. But, like most other things, one or two power hungry unprofessional officers ruin it for the rest. Personally, if it were me, I would've obeyed the officer and gone on my way....especially it being so rural and **anything** could happen. I give it to Brian for "standing up" to the officer and not rolling over and taking it and I stand behind him and believe that the cop was definitely very wrong, unprofessional and was way out of line. Although, like I said at the beginning of this post, I'd like to see the entire video to see what exactly transpired....but for legal reasons....I know that won't happen for quite a while.
So, now I'm going to hop off of my soapbox and go have some lunch....lol...