spotter network/radar online?

Feb 21, 2005
Manhattan, KS
Is there a website that displays spotternetwork locations superimposed over radar data? It doesn't need to be GR quality, but I get the question off and on about this from non-chasers that don't have GR Level software.

Only suggestion I could think of Scott would be to use the web publishing function of GRLevel and upload it to a website. The only problem with this would be you would have to be able to change radar sites remotely.
Yep, Nexrad button on top right of spotternetwork google map... You could do it all in Google Earth too with the ridge radar data.
There's the 'antcam' that shows the locations of the spotternetwork placefiles on top of a regional GR3 image. You can't display who each of the SN icons are, but if it for non-chasers they likely won't care who the individuals are. It'll show them where all the chasers are however...