Southwestern Monsoon Discussion - 2020

We actually had about average precipitation around Pagosa Springs, CO in July. However, this monsoon has pretty much been a dud so far around here as far as lightning has been concerned. There has been some decent mammatus on occasion, and I caught a couple hailstorms near here and one dust storm down in NM. So not a total fail. August has been very quiet so far, though, and looks to continue that way for a while.
If it were not for the wintry storm September 8-10, we would have had NO precipitation the whole month of September in Pagosa Springs, CO. And September should be our wettest month. In 16 years that I have lived part-time or full-time in the NM/CO region, this was hands-down the worst monsoon.
Basically the same where I am for Sept here as what @John Farley said... That one snowstorm was essentially it on moisture for the month. There was one little rain, but I can't hardly count that since it no more than wet the surface...