here are some video i have taken again .... filmed on a cellphone .... and please forgive the poor audio commentary i am still new and get a little excited.
these first are all of the same tornado
about 10 miles further east trying to stay ahead of it and i see its birth <--- silly/ excited audio .... sound like a dork <---- best video of the start of the tornado
now at this point a very sad / frustrating thing happened ... i had about 8 min total of footage of this tornado in its larger stages .... sadly i was filming with a cellphone .... and i knew i couldnt take long segments of video. so i stopped the video and the phone froze and corrupted the data and i lost some of the best footage i have collected thus far .... after rebooting the phone these are the last few seconds i got of this same tornado.
i want to say this for anyone who my have this idea. I DO NOT AND KNOW BETTER then to get in the way of the professional chasers ... i know i am a novice and know to stay out of the pros doing their job to protect the public. yes on this day and chase my path crossed the Reed Timmer "dominator" team several times ... I DIDNT FOLLOW THEM OR THEIR ROUTE. i had my own gps and projected path of the storm .... any time our paths crossed i would yield to them and let them go by or pass without slowing them down.
everyone here remembers the May 20, 2013 F5 tornado that hit Moore, Oklahoma. i have several videos i will not upload as the are too emotional for me to do so ... i have a few private ones on youtube .... but this is the only one i made public.
okay and a few days later on may 31, 2013 the tornado that hit the will rogers world airport ... i was directly NNE of the tornado about 2 miles and i was in the hail core ... my phone died just after this video but there was baseball to softball hail that began to fall so i got off the highway and hid under a over pass and let the hail move past.
while on the highway a billboard can be seen off to the right of the highway ... keep your eye on it as i drive near .... NSFW language!