Waternado is not acceptable... It makes no sense.
Yeah, sounds like your talking about a whirlpool. and I think Dan R. made great points. The basic system we are using seems to work to me. I think the main point is just conveying to the public what danger they are in: ie is it a tornado likely to persist onto land (supercellular) or is it a waterspout which is only likely to affect the beach areas...as long as thats done then its fine.Waternado is not acceptable... It makes no sense.
No problems with a terms like waterspout or landspout here. I wonder how exactly would one like to drop the term "waterspout", for example. Have somebody remove it from all dictionaries, scientifical papers, etc... ? Makes no sense to me. If you live near the ocean you obviously look different at this subject. I don't think people involved in fishing, diving and other marine interests mind the term "waterspout" at all.
Just try to ask anybody from the WFO in Key West, FL whether they'd want the term "waterspout" "dropped.... And as for the supercell induced funnel or not, there is a fair weather waterspout and a tornadic waterspout. That explains it pretty well. I don't see a problem with multiple term like these. They exactly describe what you are looking at. No further explanation needed for most of us. Pretty simple. This debate is a waste of time. Should terms like "wall cloud, tail cloud, shelf cloud, roll cloud, pileus cloud, etc. be "dropped" and all of these just called clouds ???
You don't think it's sometimes strange to look at a tornado on the ground and...ouuups! sorry, now it's a waterspout and.....oooooh wait a minute!! Ok, it's a tornado again!!! .... In a few second, it will become a waterspout ladies and gentleman...
The problem is when the term is used according to the fact that the funnel touch the ground or the water..... so, and what if it touchs a forest or a city?
You don't think it's sometimes strange to look at a tornado on the ground and...ouuups! sorry, now it's a waterspout and.....oooooh wait a minute!! Ok, it's a tornado again!!! .... In a few second, it will become a waterspout ladies and gentleman...
The problem is when the term is used according to the fact that the funnel touch the ground or the water..... so, and what if it touchs a forest or a city?
There is problem with calling a supercell/mesocyclone tornado over water a "tornadic waterspout". That implies that waterspouts in general are not tornadic. Waterspouts and landspouts are tornadic because they are tornadoes.
No, we've already discussed that. Waterspouts in general are not tornadic, they are from fair weather clouds.
"If one stands on a beach somewhere and shouts 'Tornado' I am sure that most people within earshot would turn their heads and face inland. However, if one was to shoult Waterspout, most would look out to sea."
No, they'd hold up their beers and ignore you regardless...