SDS Check

Bart Said ""During the annual Christmas dinner at my house I, much to the dismay of my family members, erected a large sculpture of a supercell in my dinning room out of all the mashed potatoes.""

Just like the movie "Close encounters of the 3rd kind"?;)...Since I don't chase anymore (I didn't chase much anyway!) I review old archived radar data...Watch old video...And count the days till spring....Only 6 weeks till SKYWARN spotter training....and just 62 days till the 1st of March:D:D:D
I'll tell you one thing, seeing all the storms firing up over Mississippi and Alabama right now aint helping much!
Well I have had SDS since Apr. of this year. It just seemed like if one thing wasn't keeping me from chasing it was another, so I had not been able to go since Apr. That being said, I have actually gotten used to it somewhat. This year (should) be different. The amount of winter weather we have gotten here already has been fairly entertaining. I am waiting for Spring '08 and I should be able to chase more this year, since I am working graveyard shifts, allowing me to get in quite a few local chases in, in the afternoon, even when I have to work. I'll be ready to go by the time March rolls around!
Yeah SDS has hit me, though i put it in the back of my mind as i study for my new job. Learning for my class-C license for IL and memorizing 2 sheets for work takes some brain power away from worrying about tornadoes and storms at the moment. Once the new job i get then my SDS will be in effect! But i'll have more money to buy new toys for this year! =D
Ironically enough I find that I don't enjoy spring as much when I've been thinking about it all winter. I think it may even be a little unhealthy to be so into any hobby or activity that it consumes you year-round, even when you aren't actually doing it. I speak that from experience. I'ts like eating steak every day for a month, after a while it loses its appeal. Of course here I am reading ST almost every day, so maybe I need to take a break for a while myself.
Just sitting back recharging batteries. AA (back-up camera), AAA (Kestrel, shutter remote, EN-EL4a (Nikon D3), Cr123 (camera flash), my own, etc..... :)
This is a good time to read some wx books, look over old wx maps, play with new equipment; just time to relax and wait.
We're due for 6" of the white stuff today so not much to do but sit and watch.
Now come spring and you get THAT feeling... it comes every spring and fall... either the first frost, the first smell of rain in the spring, it gets the blood stirring. Until then just sit back and coast.
Happy Holidays all! Be safe.
Well I guess I really do have SDS... I *COULDA* sworn I heard one rumble of thunder this evening, I started dancing around and saying "woo hoo I heard thunder, I heard thunder!" and turned off the light to look out the window to see the sky (it's dark out), when, to my disappointment, my mother said "I think it was just me opening the door". Uhhhh okay? Could have been the wind blowing through when it was open or something, but man did it fool me!
November and December fly by. And then January arrives, endless January. I make it through about mid January (the peak of winter's fury here in Iowa, usually) and begin desperately counting the days till March.

February is uplifting, but frustrating. You know spring is just around the corner, but winter often slaps you in the face a few times -- however, you're close... so you've got that going for you.
Well SDS is new terminology to me, but seeing as Im watching Bill Reid and TS and Storms of DVD's EVERY day, forcing my mother to watch chase videos on Christmas day, reading the new ST threads one hour to midnight on new years eve and counting the days till im next out there (121) Im guessing I've got it bad.
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Hi Kirstie, SDS is short for Supercell Deprevation Syndrome, an annual problem most of us suffer from because it's been too long since we've seen a storm, let alone those allusive Southern and Central Plains twisty-winds. There was a nice write up on the problem, but it's been a while since I've seen it...
Don't you absolutely love Bill Reid's vids?? His choice of music is awesome!!
Hi Angie. Well, yup, I can confirm I definitely have SDS then! And yes, I love Bill Reid's videos:) They keep me cheery when there isn't a Cu in sight! The music ROCKS and they have a humour to them that just cracks me up :)
Yeah' id say i have SDS, been watching every tornado video i can, dreaming about the next chase, and realizing i wont be able to chase at all next year just kicks the bucket, so i find myself shuffling my feet across the floor and touching the doorknob, to see that spark of electricity and have your little cousin make thunder sounds with his mouth" just gets me by one day at a time ;-)