SDS Check

Have suffered a nasty case of withdrawal symptoms these past couple months, especially the October and November timeframes. (briefly relieved by my pre-Thanksgiving hunt in E.TX)
Fortunately, stayed an extra night while on business in Houston last week, and located myself in the middle of a high dynamic/slgt rsk area in anticipation of a good celestial outburst.
Thankfully, one did arrive around 5 AM with kickbutt lightning and thunder, brief heavy rains and gusts to about 50 MPH. That helped for a week.
So now, I'm going more internal, finding things that represent social intercepts and intellectual intercepts instead of the wild weather kind.
And still I sometimes look longingly at radars for SE Texas with thoughts of the great light shows accompanying those storms.
Just yesterday until I got busy, I found myself repeating for the second time in days "if only that system moved a few hours slower..."
And yes, thanks for the laughs, Verne...
The other day I put my anemometer infront of a large floor fan in my room and measured the wind and different settings...High is 12mph....

Yup...its kicked in.

Fortunately I got Tim's forecasting books for x-mas like I wanted so that will help occupy my time.
i heard a crack of thunder about an hour ago...

im not even trippin on no SDS...

So you HAVE sds.

Mine hasn't really gotten as bad as in the past this winter. Maybe it's partially because I was on a severe warned cell last week with that strong system that came through. I think I've kind of learned to appreciate and somehow make use of the down time. While chasing controls my life like everyone else on here, I need to take a break. Make some money, actually follow through with those plans and dates you set before the months of canceled plans come back.

Getting a new car for the new season has kind of got me antsy, I'm anxious to take it on it's first long trip.

I actually think I've only watched one chase video since chase season ended.

Seems like actually the off-season goes by faster now than back when I first started. Those winter months were ridiculous. Anymore it seems they go too fast. I can't seem to get the calender to slow down a little bit so I can save up some money and get things ready.
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My SDS is so bad that I've found myself hanging out in the grocery store produce section waiting for the clap of thunder and the lettuce to get watered.

that is freaking hilarious. The grocery store in my Neighborhood also has the Thunder and Water setup for the produce but they also have a strobe light for the lightning effect. Its the only reason I agree to go to the store.

Really tho, My SDS is nothing like last year. So far this winter has been very giving. I have close to a foot of snow outside and the snow keeps falling every day. it has been exciting. Last year tho my SDS was so bad and I remember a very small thunderstorm popping up to the south of my Area. here is the post.

The storms never made it, but the rush of seeing a storm on radar was awesome to say the least if you could tell. lol

Definitely can't wait till March. Longer days and that smell in the air that tells you spring is coming. Feels so good after a long and cold winter.

Tracking the winter storms is mildly entertaining, and can be pretty cool if you get a good snow/icestorm. However, once it's passed and you're left with all the snow on the ground, and the sloppy conditions it gets old pretty fast.
This year hasn't been as bad for me as past years but I've also kept busy by working a lot more, enjoying the holiday season with my family, buying a new home, and basically just reminding myself over and over that Spring is right around the corner. Heck, the last couple years yielded chase opportunities in late Feb and early March so we're not that far off. In a nutshell, for me SDS hasn't really reared its ugly head so far...
It's bad. It's really bad. Last chase was 6/7 in NW IL (I wasn't able to chase 10/18 :(), so I'm really feeling it after watching Storms of 2007.
I've had a few of MH's and Samaras' DVDs in so far, as well as a few of our own tapes. Was bored a few nights back and surfed YouTube for a while also. Only three months and change to go!
I don't really have SDS this year. I don't know if it's because of burn out on everything that has to do with weather or if it's just because I am entering the stage in this hobby where I am content with what I have already gotten and, well, it's just another year. I still want to chase but I am just not jumping out my rear waiting to do it for some reason. So on a scale to 1-10 (10 being the greatest of course) I'd be maybe a 1 or 2.

Actually it feels kind of good not to want it that bad.
I don't really have SDS this year. I don't know if it's because of burn out on everything that has to do with weather or if it's just because I am entering the stage in this hobby where I am content with what I have already gotten and, well, it's just another year. I still want to chase but I am just not jumping out my rear waiting to do it for some reason. So on a scale to 1-10 (10 being the greatest of course) I'd be maybe a 1 or 2.

Actually it feels kind of good not to what it that bad.

You sound like me this time last year.
During the annual Christmas dinner at my house I, much to the dismay of my family members, erected a large sculpture of a supercell in my dinning room out of all the mashed potatoes.

Also we all know the second stage of SDS is denial Mickey. :p

But seriously I cant wait and I wish I could as I wont really be able to get out and chase till April next year, and I may take a job in Alaska in may so that won't really help either. I also need to replace my jeep from last year and need to start setting aside more of my paycheck to get ready.
What?! So you mean to tell me that the white stuff out there isn't really soft mushy hail accumulation??

Ok ok so my SDS isn't THAT bad but I am getting more and more anxious for spring! Can't wait to use to my new Kestrel 4000 on a chase :)

Ok so I have SDS.... I just replied to this thread, oh dear!
It's not so much SDS as it is that I am just totally over winter already. Give me a nice warm mid-May day somewhere in the Caprock already!!!!!!!!!