Reports allowed in Weather & Chasing

Seems to me that there's strong disagreement on where first-hand chase accounts should be located on the ST forum. If I had to choose between Maproom and W&C, I'd vote for Maproom. Why? Map room deals with specific chase days/events. W&C, as others have alluded to, has such high traffic these days, REPORTS will easily get lost, which would be a shame. There's MUCH traffic on most all of the boards even in the cold season. ST Forum has become quite popular. My suggestive solution? Simple... create a dedicated board just for first-hand accounts. I think first-hand chase accounts and photos are the most "cherished" posts and it's what most everyone will be looking at and wanting to read during the chase season. While this proposed dedicated board may be dead during the cold season (outside of the occasional Mike H blizzard chase!), I feel it is the easiest and fastest (and best) way to read chasers' first-hand storm chase accounts - and it's the chase accounts that have made Stormtrack "The magazine" what it was. Anyway, that's my 2c

Mike U
Ya I made the mistake last night of posting my report in the maproom (was that the 1st report of the season???) and it was promptly moved to the W&C section. If the maproom isnt the proper place then maybe a seperate section just for reports. Like Shane said so well if they are posted in the W&C section they will get buried under all the other topics and discussions. But remember reports are probably the most popular topic people read during the season.

I can understand not wanting to clutter the maproom with reports so that people can access updated forecasts while on the road but if the topics were up to date wouldnt they be on the top anyway and no searching would be needed. I think reports are one of the things most of us like to ready anyway. To see the photos or video of what we missed or to confirm what we did see. Do chasers actually use the NOW threads while on the road or is that more for cyber-chasers? If I have web access on the road I am looking at my own radar, sat pic or surface obs not reading what others have posted.

Oh well until or if its changed I will post in the W&C since I have no choice.
Yep Jay, there's your chase report in W&C now. At the time of this writing, it's below posts about Jupiter's new red spot, hurricane pinhole eyes, when will the first high risk of 2006 be and other general posts.

To me, this is a pretty big decision regarding the future of Stormtrack. If reports are moved to weather and chasing, then it seems first hand reports from chasers aren't important here anymore. Like others have mentioned, I can't count the number of times I've gone to the Map Room to research chase reports from past events. I'm not searching through W&C to find a reports thread, then searching within that thread to find some first hand information.

I'm just a small dot in this chaser gig, but it's dissapointing that I'm watching well respected and veteran chasers having to fight so hard to hold on to a few things that make Stormtrack what it is.

FWIW, I definitely would like to see first hand reports stay in the maproom, and other post-discussions about an event in W&C without the 48hr restriction.
This discussion is an example of trying to decide who should be accomodated first in the public sites ... should it be the general public, or the chaser? The fact that it has taken so long to find resolution indicates a fairly serious conflict of interest.

Personally, it's difficult to understand the controversy. If there is a question concerning reports threads by actual chasers, then why have a map room at all? Why not simply post all forecasts, nowcasts - and everything in the W&C room? Attempting to make distinctions such as this one and fine-tune the board does not encourage participation - and in fact encourages further alienation by chasers. Sheila's observations above are on the money. In the weeks to come - more than all other times of the year - the breach will really become evident - as we make an attempt to not only sift through subheadings to find the report threads, but then further sift through each report thread in an effort to get an actual report from someone who was witness to an event. I finally blogged a story on my site as to where I feel the difficulties may be coming from. It's not intended as a hack job, but rather to encourage some more conversation on what can reasonably be done to improve what appears to be a deteriorating situation. (It's long ... sorry ... but it has to be, since this is a big subject.)
This is almost funny...

Here we are, almost TWO MONTHS LATER... And there is STILL no decision. Seriously, what's the hold up? It's as simple as putting a poll up. Seems like everyone has VERY good points - i.e. Shane, Sheila, Jay, Mike U, etc., but nobody is listening. :roll: :x
This is almost funny...

Here we are, almost TWO MONTHS LATER... And there is STILL no decision. Seriously, what's the hold up? It's as simple as putting a poll up. Seems like everyone has VERY good points - i.e. Shane, Sheila, Jay, Mike U, etc., but nobody is listening. :roll: :x

If no changes have been announced (which is currently the case) then the rules stand. This issue is still being discussed (yes, there is disagreement). At this time, however, since no changes have been announced, the current rules stand. While our opinions differ, I think Tim is just waiting to see how these rules play out.
I'll start by making it very clear, I have no personal problem with the ST brass, on any level...they do a thankless job, and I don't envy them. Speaking from a purely ST member/chaser perspective, I find it very disappointing and moreso - unsettling - that ST has decided to let things ride as they have been, considering storm season is here. This, if not any other part of the year, is what StormTrack should be about.

I'll sift through the hundreds of pointless, uninteresting, rehashed-from-world-news-headlines Bar & Grill posts July-February. I'll live with the countless, repeated posts on Weather & Chasing, all of which are recycled every six months or so by new members who don't realize we've all had these same discussions more than once before. I'll deal with random/subtle rule changes that largely, in my mind, seem only to confuse rather than refine. I do all of this, because I expect that when it's storm season - it's my turn to be catered to.

But this isn't happening, so I find myself asking the question: Why am I here?

My post count no doubt reflects my more-than-willingness to participate on StormTrack, in several forums. But the point of that is entertainment. I hang around in the off-season because chasing, to me, is life. I embrace all things chasing, as I constantly await the return of that time of year when chasing - and chasers - are the focal point of this site. That is the only reason. However, I cannot find a reason to be here knowing that now, chasers have no more relevance on this site in May than they do in December. It makes no sense to me.

My problem with ST at this point (as of this post) has now changed. It's no longer that chasers aren't being made a priority, it's that a decision isn't being made at all. This is not the time to "wait and see" who means more to this site - chasers or enthusiasts. Truthfully, if it's still up in the air the first week of March, the decision has been made.

My decision to withdraw from ST isn't about status or self-induldgence, it's about desire. I have none, to post real chasing information that will not be regarded any higher than a random post about what color the clouds were today at someone's hometown. Am I the only person who sees this obvious flaw, or am I just an oddball who doesn't see that everything is ok? I don't know.

All I do know is, I have made a decision, because someone has to.
... should it be the general public, or the chaser? ...

The chaser... They are the ones who make up this site - If you piss them off, they might decide not to post their reports anymore. Then where are we? This is a very, very simple case of "if it's not broken, then don't fix it".

Good points Mike P...

Thats what I am worried about is chasers NOT posting their reports anymore since they will end up buried in the W&C section. Ok forget the maproom. why not have a small section for nothing but 1st hand reports?? Most people on here want to read the chase reports. Chasers,cyber-chasers, and wx-wienies alike. That is one of the things ST was built on was reports from the field. I think we are losing sight of that.

EDIT** Shane posted same time as I did so I didnt get to read his until I already posted mine. Shane I agree in sooo many ways. Will the wx-wienies and chasers even bother to come as much if they arent able to read chase reports because chasers decide not to post them.

I have the utmost respect for the admin and Mods here. I am personal friends with some. They do a thankless job in keeping things civil but this is probably one of the most important desicions they will make about ST. Do we abandon our roots and make chasers feel like their reports are just more posting fodder or do we make it part of the core attractions of ST
Thats what I am worried about is chasers NOT posting their reports anymore since they will end up buried in the W&C section. Ok forget the maproom. why not have a small section for nothing but 1st hand reports?? Most people on here want to read the chase reports. Chasers,cyber-chasers, and wx-wienies alike. That is one of the things ST was built on was reports from the field. I think we are losing sight of that.

BTW...not 24 hours after being submitted, Jay's report from yesterday is now buried under eight other threads, no longer visible without scrolling. I guess someone is probably benefitting from all of this...I imagine the NST boards are alive with merrymaking and dancing in the streets.
I'll start by making it very clear, I have no personal problem with the ST brass, on any level...they do a thankless job, and I don't envy them. Speaking from a purely ST member/chaser perspective, I find it very disappointing and moreso - unsettling - that ST has decided to let things ride as they have been, considering storm season is here. This, if not any other part of the year, is what StormTrack should be about.

I'll sift through the hundreds of pointless, uninteresting, rehashed-from-world-news-headlines Bar & Grill posts July-February. I'll live with the countless, repeated posts on Weather & Chasing, all of which are recycled every six months or so by new members who don't realize we've all had these same discussions more than once before. I'll deal with random/subtle rule changes that largely, in my mind, seem only to confuse rather than refine. I do all of this, because I expect that when it's storm season - it's my turn to be catered to.

But this isn't happening, so I find myself asking the question: Why am I here?

My post count no doubt reflects my more-than-willingness to participate on StormTrack, in several forums. But the point of that is entertainment. I hang around in the off-season because chasing, to me, is life. I embrace all things chasing, as I constantly await the return of that time of year when chasing - and chasers - are the focal point of this site. That is the only reason. However, I cannot find a reason to be here knowing that now, chasers have no more relevance on this site in May than they do in December. It makes no sense to me.

My problem with ST at this point (as of this post) has now changed. It's no longer that chasers aren't being made a priority, it's that a decision isn't being made at all. This is not the time to "wait and see" who means more to this site - chasers or enthusiasts. Truthfully, if it's still up in the air the first week of March, the decision has been made.

My decision to withdraw from ST isn't about status or self-induldgence, it's about desire. I have none, to post real chasing information that will not be regarded any higher than a random post about what color the clouds were today at someone's hometown. Am I the only person who sees this obvious flaw, or am I just an oddball who doesn't see that everything is ok? I don't know.

All I do know is, I have made a decision, because someone has to.

All I have to say in response is AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ST is in serious trouble if you ask me. I feel this site is on the verge of losing it's most precious commodity, the chaser. The creed at the top of the page says "serving chasers since 1977". I propose a change to "serving chasers from 1977-2005" because some of the recent changes have been anything but a service to those who go out in the field. The latest decision with regard to where to place reports is yet another example. I honestly don't see why it's such a big deal to have them in the Maproom. If the reason is to cut down on clutter, that doesn't wash because the thread clearly states it is for first-hand chase reports/photos. How is that cluttering the Maproom? I don't have much more to add beyond what has already been stated so I'll end my rant here...
I think you guys are overreacting just a bit. Just consider that a GREAT DEAL of discussion and consideration is going on among the mods and admin in a effort to make the best possible decision regarding these.

That said, no matter WHAT decision is made, there will be yet another thread of those that are unhappy with the decision.

As there is disagreement among the general members (even in this thread) as to the best possible way to handle this, so there is also disagreement among the mods/admin as well. On the surface, it may seem like an easy decision to come to if something needs to change and if so what, but in real application it's more complicated than that.

There will be no perfect solution for everyone, that much is assured. What is the best possible balance/handling of reports is what is being decided though.

I know I'm not the only one to feel this way from conversation with other people who are members of the board. I'm down right scared to post something as a new member worried that it will be moved, locked or removed i have read all of the rules closely. Don't get me wrong i know their is a fine line between having a good enviroment for disscussion and getting pages of One Liners that have no real value. But it seems that alot of newer members are scared to post even if they are out in the field looking at a storm, for that matter it's hard to tell where to post it.

My thoughts. Sorry if it's a bit off topic.
Simple solution: A new forum board dedicated to first hand reports. If the reports really are the pride and joy of the users than it belongs in a league of its own. If not, than keep first hand accounts in the Map Room.
Re: Scared

I know I'm not the only one to feel this way from conversation with other people who are members of the board. I'm down right scared to post something as a new member worried that it will be moved, locked or removed i have read all of the rules closely. Don't get me wrong i know their is a fine line between having a good enviroment for disscussion and getting pages of One Liners that have no real value. But it seems that alot of newer members are scared to post even if they are out in the field looking at a storm, for that matter it's hard to tell where to post it.

My thoughts. Sorry if it's a bit off topic.

Don't be scared to most, none of us are going to boot you or come hunt you down for making a mistake in posting. It's pretty rare that any post or thread is removed by a moderator. Remember, everyone has the ability to delete their own posts now, and some have been making very liberal use of that ability.