Reports allowed in Weather & Chasing

Because I've been tied up with the spring conferences and business, I haven't read this thread in detail, so credit for the latest change goes largely to the moderator team, who distilled the essence of this thread and debated it on a series of 5 internal pages. I decided to allow DISC in the Reports forum, so that you all have elbow room to discuss incidents, phenomena, and observations that don't fit in the FCST/NOW/REPORT threads. There could be some tweaking regarding DISC, so stay tuned just in case.


I think the new "Chase Forecasts" and "Chase Reports" sections are the best possible compromise to this issue, and will work out well. Thank you!
I waited a day or so to evaluate the new structure, and I think it meets all our needs very very well. As a former mod, I will tell you changes like this take a lot of time and discussion before putting into effect. Nice work, guys and gal.

What exactly is the complaint about Stormtrack? Why did anyone move or create another forum? I just don't get it. I haven't really experienced any problem with the format that I recall. The only thing I can think of that bothers me is not being able to respond in comments to others chase reports. This is kind of an on again off again thing and now we can do that in DISC section even though not directly under the same thread.

There will always be things each of us would like to improve, and all of us will never agree. Creating structure and organization will always conflict with creative freedom. It's a tradeoff, but there are reasons for structure and there is a place for freedom.

Anyway, I guess let me know what the big deal is. Maybe I just haven't paid attention and there is a real issue or point to be made.
What's wrong with creating another forum? There's no big deal. All of us still like to visit Stormtrack. I think it was created just as another place to go check out. I like SC's emphasis on photography. The rules are also just a bit more relaxed. It's just something for fun, and it shouldn't be viewed as competition because it isn't.
I'm on three different storm chasing chatboards, because there is no perfect board. What I get at ST I can't get on the others, and vice versa. Not a big deal.

Perhaps you should have read the last 6 pages or so, of why there was an issue. The problem is now resolved on Stormtrack.

In response to us creating another forum:

Why not? There should always be more than one opportunity out there to go to. (And is not the only one) Would you like just having the option of going to Wallie World ? Just like your membership to WX-CHASE, (and I see you there QUITE frequently and recently) it's an outlet. There's room for two or three or 20, and like Laura said, there is no competition between the any of these. If you don't like any of the boards, then simply don't sign up or go over there. Pretty simple stuff we're dealing with here.

I also visit both forums (as well as others), and enjoy reading what others (most) have to say about certain topics. You can't please everyone, so you must do what you think is best for the forum and it's contributors. Again, simply said. I am still learning to use this board compared to phpbb, so it will take some time, but overall I like the format.
