Reports allowed in Weather & Chasing

Looking back through Page 1 of this thread - I can't seem to find a reason WHY the change was made? Even TimV said he didn't mind reports in MapRoom, so who does mind - and why?
I think you guys are overreacting just a bit. Just consider that a GREAT DEAL of discussion and consideration is going on among the mods and admin in a effort to make the best possible decision regarding these.

I don't think we're overreacting, because of the quote above...that a deliberation is needed to decide this issue (that shouldn't even be an issue) is cause for alarm IMO. We shouldn't even be having this conversation.

That said, no matter WHAT decision is made, there will be yet another thread of those that are unhappy with the decision.

While I can't speak for others, I can assure you there won't be such a thread from me personally. This thread is my last effort to try and sway ST to serve chasers, at least for the three months out of the year when people actually chase.

As there is disagreement among the general members (even in this thread) as to the best possible way to handle this, so there is also disagreement among the mods/admin as well. On the surface, it may seem like an easy decision to come to if something needs to change and if so what, but in real application it's more complicated than that.

It shouldn't be, and IMO that's the problem. Do all the moderators actively, seriously chase? I'm thinking not. Otherwise it wouldn't be an issue, unless commercial factors are invloved, in which case we're pretty much screwed regardless.

There will be no perfect solution for everyone, that much is assured. What is the best possible balance/handling of reports is what is being decided though.

StormTrack itself is an imperfect solution for chasers 3/4 of the year. All we're asking for is to be the focus the 1/4 of the year when it really matters. I don't think it's asking much to be the favored demographic 25% of the time. And even more, I don't think that, when it comes to making chasers a priority on StormTrack, the opinions of non-chasers should hold merit in that decision...since it's obvious it's the other way around 100% of the time (by current rules).

Then again, it's a moot point with some chasers already anyway.
I think you guys are overreacting just a bit. Just consider that a GREAT DEAL of discussion and consideration is going on among the mods and admin in a effort to make the best possible decision regarding these.

I don't think we're overreacting, because of the quote above...that a deliberation is needed to decide this issue (that shouldn't even be an issue) is cause for alarm IMO. We shouldn't even be having this conversation.

It's not cause for alarm Shane. Deliberation on any changes in any medium that affects the majority of it's users is always prefered to making a half-hazard decision and then regretting it later.
It's not cause for alarm Shane. Deliberation on any changes in any medium that affects the majority of it's users is always prefered to making a half-hazard decision and then regretting it later.

But see David, that's were the rub lies. It seems as though the decision to boot reports from the Maproom to W&C was made in a hap-hazard way without input from the users of the forum. I don't understand why a poll wasn't set up as so many people in this thread suggested. It seems as though one or two of the mod/admin are controlling the situation. While Tim runs the board and can do as he pleases, it doesn't appear he's opposed to having reports in the Maproom as Rob pointed out. It's very confusing when changes are made without addressing the reasons for those changes...
I'd be patient till Tim takes the time out of his busy schedule to comment.

I still (and always) have supported a pure thread in Map Room with only first hand accounts. Discussion threads would be allowed in the Weather room, but I want a clear and concise place to be able to simply scroll through and see everyone's catches.

1. Went to Weather and Chasing to find reports.

2. Found Jay's first "Reports" thread for 3-4 I saw last night was mysteriously missing and a new one was started.

3. After a moment of mind confusion noticed that the first "Reports" thread slipped under while the main one now is growing, and wondering why these two threads have not been merged already. Granted in this format, reports threads will always seem to get buried in such a high traffic environment, so no wonder.

4. Shook head in frustration at the lack of organization and seeming chaos in this new format.

5. Decided to come here to see if this was being discussed. Yep.

6. Posted this thread stating my thoughts on the matter, will shake my head a couple times, and will check back tonight to see if anyone else feels as confused about this format as I do.
1. Went to Weather and Chasing to find reports.

2. Found Jay's first "Reports" thread for 3-4 I saw last night was mysteriously missing and a new one was started.

I moved Jay's REPORTS thread out of the Map Room and into W&C per the rules. His thread was not deleted (nor a new one started).

3. After a moment of mind confusion noticed that the first "Reports" thread slipped under while the main one now is growing, and wondering why these two threads have not been merged already. Granted in this format, reports threads will always seem to get buried in such a high traffic environment, so no wonder.

As a note, we cannot "merge" threads. We can split threads, but we cannot merge them. It'd be nice if we could, but I think that's a software limitation.
1. Went to Weather and Chasing to find reports.

2. Found Jay's first "Reports" thread for 3-4 I saw last night was mysteriously missing and a new one was started.

I moved Jay's REPORTS thread out of the Map Room and into W&C per the rules. His thread was not deleted (nor a new one started).

Right. I was just saying what it APPEARED to look like. I should have rephrased it "I saw last night appeared to have mysteriously disapearred, when in reality it simply fell about 5 or 10 rungs lost in the traffic."
It just seems to me that the preservation of well-written chase accounts with photos/vid caps, etc.. should be the main mission of The current system as I see it does not emphasize this whatsoever. If there is not a unique storage place for chase accounts/photos/vid caps, etc (i.e. a forum folder of it's own) then I don't believe that would be serving chasers as it has in the past. Essentially, has become just a big lounge of chasers, chaser wannabes, and other severe weather enthusiasts to "chit chat". I see no problem with this, but at the same time, Stormtrack needs to be a place to read stories, real accounts, etc. about specific events and such. I think has lost sight of this given the overwhelming popularity of forum chatter. If it is decided that reports will remain amidst all the other chasing related discussions, then I *may* consider not posting detailed chase accounts on anymore and just save all that for my blog page. Anyway, it is something to seriously consider. It could be as simple as just creating a special folder for just chase accounts. I've been an advocate of this for awhile now.

Mike U
What will happen, if not already happening, is more and
more chasers will not post to the forum and will not even
bother looking at the forum. Just a opinion of mine.

What will happen, if not already happening, is more and
more chasers will not post to the forum and will not even
bother looking at the forum. Just a opinion of mine.


Thats already happening.. I'm certainly no big deal myself.. but I've already found myself checking this forum less and less, because the quality just isnt there anymore.
There will be problems with any format that is chosen. All online forums have these types of issues, it isn't an ST issue or even a chaser forum issue. I personally prefer the reports in the Map Room with only first-hand accounts allowed in the thread, but if that doesn't happen I'm willing to work with whatever the consensus is.

There is too much practical value in keeping connected with other chasers to jump ship from ST over this. There will always be annoying issues with any forum, but none so far are enough of a reason to stop participating.
What will happen, if not already happening, is more and
more chasers will not post to the forum and will not even
bother looking at the forum. Just a opinion of mine.


Thats already happening.. I'm certainly no big deal myself.. but I've already found myself checking this forum less and less, because the quality just isnt there anymore.

I'll have to agree to a degree. I check this place a lot less than I used to. I hate looking through piles and piles of redundant crap in all sections. I won't read 90 percent of the stuff that's posted. People are frightened by the fact that they might be scrutinized or violate some sort of rule, that Stormtrack is obviously proud of. Telling newcomers to "Search" for a thread or some bitter old man playing the Stormtrack police officer (not a moderator) will surely scare people off.

"I won't read 90 percent of the stuff that's posted. People are frightened by the fact that they might be scrutinized or violate some sort of rule, that Stormtrack is obviously proud of. "

So 90% of the posts are crap, so what's exactly "scaring" valid posters away?