Reports allowed in Weather & Chasing

What about keeping REPORTS in the Map Room but allowing post-event discussion in the Weather and chasing forum? This seems to be a pretty good compromise -- folks can still post their REPORTS in an organized thread, yet there is still a place for informal, post-event discussion in Weather and Chasing. So, type your official report in the REPORTS thread, and talk all you want in a Weather and Chasing thread.

I think Jeff has verbalized my feeling the best. Let's keep the REPORTS in the Map Room and the discussion can be placed in Weather and Chasing. I strongly believe that REPORTS should also remain first-hand chase accounts even if the final report has to be prepared a couple days later or edited as the chaser may be to tired to write the full report the evening of the event.

Bill Hark
I would have to agree with most of the others here. Since I had other commitments on Saturday and I didn’t have time to follow this rare January event, the first thing I did Sunday was to check the SPC’s Storm Reports, and then go to the Map Room forum and see if anybody was on the KS storms. You know what I found? Scott’s report right at the top where it should be. I would even take this one step further and open a “xx/xx/xx – Post Event Discussion†thread in the Map Room, this would be a thread where post event discussion and analysis could take place. It would need to be heavily regulated just like the other threads is “MRâ€, but it would be a place to discuss pattern setups, surface charts, boundaries, ect. It would not be a place for things like “hey nice pics dude†or “wow, major chaser convergence†those types of things just do not belong in MR. But if all of this information is moved into W&C, it will be lost. As with others, the MR is what attracted me to Stormtrack; it is Stormtrack’s reason for being, if this is lost what’s left? Just another chat room.
Looking through the comments in this thread, it appears that there is a great deal of sentiment for returning REPORTS to Map Room, limited to first-hand chase reports only. Moderators, I (and I think a lot of others) would really like to see a vote on this. Would you please consider setting up an advisory poll? Discussions of weather that has already occurred, comments on chase reports, incidents on chases, etc. could stay in Weather and Chasing, but first hand chaser reports would return to MR. Thanks for considering this request.
For what’s its worth, it’s nice to see the 2/16/06 reports in the Map Room. The post was very easy to find. Could this be an indication of things to come?
I speak for no one but myself, but I for one won't be posting reports on StormTrack so others can sit and dissect them and question them rather than just read and enjoy them. I can tell you right now if a report of mine was met with the skepticism (publicly displayed) that Scott's last report was, I wouldn't be as diplomatic in my defense. In fact I'd be quite nasty. I don't take kindly to my chases being critiqued by people who largely do not chase.

REPORTS should be kept in the map room. That's the one forum that actually caters to chasers first, not weather enthusiasts. This entire site is for weather enthusiasts first, so I think it's a very bad idea to start chipping away at the one area designed specifically for chasers. The Scott Currens report thread was a great example of what's to come by leaving REPORTS in a general weather forum for all to see and critique.

This is my opinion on the subject.
This is getting more and more like a bunch of old people sitting around and making up rules for the condo association. You're just making rules for the sake of making rules.

It seems like the "Information Desk" section is just a forum to discuss the rules. Granted, I like things under control, but it becomes counter-productive at some point.

Another thing, when somebody accidently puts a post in the wrong area we don't need all the members running around like a bunch of nazis telling on everyone. We'll leave that to the moderators.
Originally posted by B Ozanne
Another thing, when somebody accidently puts a post in the wrong area we don't need all the members running around like a bunch of nazis telling on everyone. We'll leave that to the moderators.

Sorry if my post in the Map Room bothered you, but I had alread made a thread and there was no use of it going to waste :roll:

If only people would actually READ the threads before making a new one... :roll:
Originally posted by B Ozanne+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(B Ozanne)</div>
This is getting more and more like a bunch of old people sitting around and making up rules for the condo association. You're just making rules for the sake of making rules. [/b]

No, we're discussing the rules because a change has been thrown out to the board and now we're discussing it. The point is to keep StormTrack from becoming just another chatboard filled with meaningless crap and flame wars. So there are reasons behind the rules. And who are you calling old?

<!--QuoteBegin-B Ozanne

It seems like the "Information Desk" section is just a forum to discuss the rules.

That's because it is.

Originally posted by B Ozanne+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(B Ozanne)</div>
Granted, I like things under control, but it becomes counter-productive at some point.[/b]

I don't get what you mean there. Have you seen a chatboard that wasn't policed? They're worthless.

<!--QuoteBegin-B Ozanne

Another thing, when somebody accidently puts a post in the wrong area we don't need all the members running around like a bunch of nazis telling on everyone. We'll leave that to the moderators.

I'll agree with you on that one, and I have a great idea who some of the names behind this practice are. Not much can be done about that though, the privlidge has been extended and a certain few members make full use of it.
Originally posted by rdewey
Sorry if my post in the Map Room bothered you, but I had alread made a thread and there was no use of it going to waste :roll:

If only people would actually READ the threads before making a new one... :roll:

Sorry, that was a little mean, it wasn't supposed to be directed at you. I like to keep things organized in one thread as well.

As far as this forum goes, I think things are ok. Sure, it could be better. If you ever think things are bad I just bring up my whipping boy, the Wright Weather Forum. If there ever was a disastrous weather forum its there.
I am guessing the REPORT matter is coming to a close, because there is a REPORT thread existing in the Maproom since the change (unless a moderator(s) forgot to move them). I agree with Shane's words... I wouldn't be very happy with the skepticism that Scott C got on one of my reports, and I wouldn't be very friendly about it, neither. I spend lots of time and money in this hobby -- and yes, it is a hobby -- and while I do it soley for myself because I LOVE severe storms, I still like to share it with others. I certainly wouldn't want crap given to me by someone who doesn't even chase -- on a public board.

As for myself, I was given crap by several people a couple weeks ago on a different storm forum calling a photo of mine of "unreal" and "fake" looking... I gave a nice response, before I simply decided to delete whole thread. Mind you, the people who were talking about MY photos don't even CHASE.

I sure would have hated to see ST throw out the only chaser-devoted thing it has -- the Maproom. Like the saying goes, "if something ain't broke, then don't fix it". I'll never figure out why the change was done anyways. When it was done, the persons who made the change should have known chasers would be highly upset on the matter -- and get even more upset when they see a veteran chaser getting SLAMMED in one of the REPORT threads in W&C from people who have never even got out of their house to chase. Before you have the nerve to talk about my storms and tornadoes, I suggest you get out of the house -- and get some YOURSELF.

As for people "policing" threads... While I never do it, I don't see anything that bad about it -- since I guess it helps moderators see the problem(s)?! Whatever happened to that little thing called bluecard, anyways? And why is there still a non-convective damaging wind thread in the Maproom like 8 hours later?