Matthew Havin
This thread is over. Mike wins.
IMO stands for In My Opinion and IMHO for In My Humble Opinion.What does IMO and IMHO stand for?
It needs to be seperated into elite and non-elite sections...just get it over with. Maybe have an anti-elite party each year so those that feel so un-elite can unite into elitedom.
You forgot to place a comma after "Rob".
Doesn't that period belong on the left side of that quotation mark?
Well that is nice, but I never said anyone wanting these things were being elite. Notice how I even first mentioned elite(hell first two mentions). It certainly wasn't for anyone being/acting elite by what they wanted on here. It was quite the opposite. It was for those that always seem to think this or that reaction or lack of means someone is being elite. That set the tone for where I was going...a broad, general, "bitch" with a hope of laughter. Some of that as well as a dash of "get over it" on anything you don't like(myself as well!).
The point was an example. Obviously missed by some.
EDIT: The fact that you went back and edited your post to point out that I had a TYPO with one too many L's in there, and NOT a misspelling, even further drives the point of this thread home. Typos happen when you type over 90 words a minute. Then again, maybe I did it on purpose eh?