Rapidly Declining Quality on Storm Track

It needs to be seperated into elite and non-elite sections...just get it over with. Maybe have an anti-elite party each year so those that feel so un-elite can unite into elitedom.

Wait, didn't we already try that? LOL

I don't think asking people to use the keyboard like normal human beings (along with following a few simple rules) is too much to ask - it certainly shouldn't be labeled it elitism.

As far as directly making fun of any one particular person simply because of their grammar and/or "ch8s1ng skilz", I'll let you guys define my thoughts on that as they wouldn't be appropriate for ST.

Again, I don't see the connection of "asking members to follow rules + using correct elementary grammar = elitism". The true definition of elitisim is "consciousness of or pride in belonging to a select or favored group" - asking people to follow rules amounts to a "favored group" and/or elitism? I'm sure everyone has their own definition of elitism, but following rules and using "netiquette" isn't in my definition of elitism - it's in my definition of common sense.

I, of all people, having no reason to be elite. I've only caught one tornado (a MI TOR = 10 Plains TORs, LOL), and haven't chased farther than the MI/IN/OH state line. I failed high school English several times over and see no pride there... Maybe someone can help me find it? LOL
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I'm still letting that all sink in. Why don't you tell us how you really feel Mike.:D
I don't think Mike was referring to the grammar/spelling portion when he was talking about the elite chasers. That's a completely different argument, correct me if I'm wrong. I think he's just getting at how some of the people on here have complained about not feeling accepted, or that they are being overlooked for not being 'in'.
Can we just delete those space taking remarks all together, rather than calling them out as well in telling them not to do it anymore? That way we can just eliminate all the pointless posts together so we aren't forced to weed them out when going over this thread. You can delete this post as well if you choose to do so.
This is sad people attacking moderaters now everyone needs to calm down and take a deep breath.
Well that is nice, but I never said anyone wanting these things were being elite. Notice how I even first mentioned elite(hell first two mentions). It certainly wasn't for anyone being/acting elite by what they wanted on here. It was quite the opposite. It was for those that always seem to think this or that reaction or lack of means someone is being elite. That set the tone for where I was going...a broad, general, "bitch" with a hope of laughter. Some of that as well as a dash of "get over it" on anything you don't like(myself as well!).

Okay, I gotcha... Sorry that I mistook your comment.
MatthewCarman maybe you should only hit the "reply" button if you are going to say something about the thread, and save comments like that for pm's, much unlike I am doing right now.

I was replying to the mod to ask if maybe we could cut down on the noise by simply deleting posts that don't have to do with the thread itself, and then you reply by telling me to calm down in yet another one line post that serves no purpose. I was not attacking the mods, or trying to be rude, but merely asking if that was an option to cut down on the noise.

Some people reading this thread and beyond should just keep some things in their head. As someone posted earlier (I'm not going back and posting a name) just because you think something, doesn't mean you need to interrupt a thread by posting your one liner if it serves no purpose to benefit the thread in general.
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First, let me express the undying man-crush I have on H.

Second, welcome back to the... third?... edition of "ST is awful." I think I joined this forum about 3 days after it started, so I've been through many of the ups and downs (as have many others). We see this at least once a year, and nobody has yet found a solution. Several of us went on to start a forum at stormchasers.org, which has met with moderate success. Here's the problem, though: the increase in noise is proportional to the square of the increase in membership. (k = .5mv^2, anyone?)

"Elitist" may be the dirtiest word in chaserdom, with the possible exception of "night crawler" -- damn you, Jonas Miller. I'm not afraid to call myself an elitist though. If you're new to chasing, ask questions. Sit back and watch what others say -- learn from them. But PLEASE -- this is for the new and experienced alike -- if you don't know what you're talking about, don't post. Not every thread needs your contribution. A little more RX and a lot less TX would make everyone a lot happier.

And if you're stuck on punctuation, http://owl.english.purdue.edu/lab/owl/tutoring/faq.html#grammar

I have seen Stormchasers.org and no offence but I dont think it is any better than stormtrack. SC.org Has most of the same members just different leadership. I think stormtrack has great leadership and I am happy to be a part of this fine community.
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The point was an example. Obviously missed by some.

The 50 already in this thread weren't enough?

EDIT: The fact that you went back and edited your post to point out that I had a TYPO with one too many L's in there, and NOT a misspelling, even further drives the point of this thread home. Typos happen when you type over 90 words a minute. Then again, maybe I did it on purpose eh?

Not typing a word correctly is a misspelling. Maybe you did mean to misspell it...but what purpose would it serve? Are you trying to bait me to keep this out of control thread going? Seriously though, I doubt it because of how you defend yourself with the "Typos happen when you type over 90 words a minute." comment.