I'll never understand the bouncing back-and-forth of this board... There was a major brawl back last summer about having people write essays / prove chase expierence in order to join. Now the board allows "anyone" to join? I'm not gonna disagree and bring that whole stupid subject back up again, but it's just interesting how this "transformation" took place and why it did... ?
(the thing is with the "anyone could subscribe to ST" is that it meant anyone could read the magazine. Now anyone can write and "contribute" [if you wanna call it that] on ST, regardless if they chase, or ever even plan to chase or not).
It'd be nice if a moderator would shine some light on my question I posted a bit ago. Could I take a wild guess the decision to let anyone in is because that is what will increase hits and drive up the rates on the banner ads to help certain persons to sell more of their products? What other reason would there be?
There still wasn't any explanation given on why the essay / chaser only rules were removed. The thing is that many of the new members don't seem to understand or care about maintaining a high-quality board, or a board that's rich in meteorological and chase-related posts -- that make sense.