In the Spring the highest area for quality and views,and what makes Stormtrack Stormtrack, is the Forecast and Reports sections, housing FORECAST, NOW, REPORT and DISC threads. This area should maintain the highest quality and should be watched by moderators consistently and, to maintain quality assurance, strictly regulated as to content. As Rewey said, there appears to be a delay in action when it comes to reporting low quality threads in this area.
My suggestion would be a dedicated moderator for these areas, whether current or new, to specifically watch over the forecast and now threads, with overflow support from the rest of the moderator team. Someone with the talent and time to handle this responsibility, who is aware of quality standards, and will keep these areas consistently high in quality. The importance of these threads, in my opinion, warrants this position, especially as spring approaches. Editing and moderating these threads is of highest importance in severe weather season, when on-the-field access and timely uploading, especially LOW NOISE, is absolutely vital. Just a suggestion (and no, I do NOT want this position, this is simply consultative advice.) By NO means am I Suggesting the moderator team is not currently doing their job. I'm simply stating this area needs individual support on the highest level, just as a technical administrator handles technical areas due to its importance, a specialized moderator would ensure this area, this all important area, runs smoothly as well.