Rapid Pressure Fall

Feb 29, 2004
Rochester Hills, Michigan, United States of Americ
I have been watching my barometer, and it has fallen from 993.7MB to 991.4MB in the past 25-35 minutes. Not sure, but I think that kind of a pressure fall is pretty strong. Needless to say, I also have a ball barometer (like below), and it has been nearly emptied, with the liquid collecting into the plate on the bottom and making a mess...

[Broken External Image]:http://www.thermometershop.co.uk/images/Weather_ball_with_Thermometer_1.jpg
NWS in Detroit's 2 Day WX History is showing about the same in terms of altimeter readings... the sea level pressure has been NA for the last couple hours, but it, too, was showing a steady drop in pressure.. the altimeter reading has shown a drop of near 0.40 in the last 5 hours...
I noticed last night in the lab the pressure dropped quite quickly. It dropped from 1009mb to 1002mb in about 4hrs. I was surprised as I didn't think the LP was going to track that close to here. When I got home late last night and checked the internet we were on the outer edge of the max pressure fall region.

This storm has strengthened very quickly. When I checked it this morning (around 3am) the center was at 1000mb. Nine hours later it was at 989..
Maybe it's all the libs crossing over into Canada since the election.... :roll:
Originally posted by Douglas D. Lee
Maybe it's all the libs crossing over into Canada since the election.... :roll:

Nah. We'd rather stay here and laugh at all the moderate Republicans/Bush voters that aren't fundamentalist Christian, right wing nuts when he attempts to write his Biblical theories into the Constitution. All hail the prophet Bush! After all, he claims God speaks to him and guides him, so he MUST know what's best for mankind!

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Isn't it awesome how a thread on an unexpectedly intense cyclone can be turned into yet another political arguement?
Originally posted by rdewey+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(rdewey)</div>
<!--QuoteBegin-Andy Wehrle

Isn't it awesome how a thread on an unexpectedly intense cyclone can be turned into yet another political arguement?

Yes, and I had hoped these types of discussions wouldn't have spilled over into the actual "weather" side of the forum -- It's bad enough in the "everything else" area... :roll:[/b]

I still stand by my reasoning. 8)
What we've got here is a good, strong synoptic low. When I left for class this morning, it was 60 and sunny. I wore shorts. In Lafayette. In December. 90 minutes later it was cloudy and a bit chill. By the time I went to my meeting (5:30), it was about 45 and almost too windy to walk. Now that's what I call a cold front. I don't know how many of you may have noticed, but there was a tornado reported in eastern Indiana today. Joe Nield allegedly confirmed it in a damage survey this afternoon, but I've yet to see a PNSIND come out.

Originally posted by rdewey
Yes, and I had hoped these types of discussions wouldn't have spilled over into the actual \"weather\" side of the forum -- It's bad enough in the \"everything else\" area... :roll:
I couldn't agree more. Tim and the mods have put a lot of effort into keeping the signal-to-noise ratio up...and here we go, wrecking it all.

Well, the top wind gust at my house today was 49MPH. The barometer fell to 984MB rather rapidly (it may not be 100% correct, I calibrated it to surrounding stations within 10 miles a long time ago) -- Probably as a result of the low pressure system pretty much exploding. Strongest gust in our area was near 55MPH I believe.
Just don't go off and post a letter of complaint to the barometer's manufacturer, lest you return and find your house blown away.