Question: What is your favorite kind of Severe Weather?

Without a doubt ... Thunderstorms!
Doesn't even have to be severe, its all about lightning. Simply put, I love a good lightning show! Especially at night.
Ideal situation is a storm a few miles out, close enough for a nice view of its light-show, but not close enough to be rained on...that way I can sit outside (ideally on the roof) and watch/video the storm

That said I do love a good heavy rain from a thunderstorm as well.

Sadly we don't get very many thunderstorms where I live.
Adding to thunderstorms above. Lightning & Rain, the more, the better... but please no hail!
That might well qualify as my most disliked type of weather.

Just come comments on the other 'options' :)
I have a hard time considering a Blizzard as 'severe weather', but when it comes to winter weather, I do enjoy the times when we get one (a fairly-rare event).

We (thankfully) don't get ice storms here, closest we get is freezing-drizzle, which is nasty stuff...falls as drizzle & freezes instantly on contact. With that you're talking a very thin layer of ice, most I've ever seen was around 1/8"
In a way I'd like to see the "everything covered with a layer of glass" look after an ice storm, but deff wouldn't want it in my area.

Never seen a tornado, but I want to - where its in an open field. Weather like that fascinates me.

I've only seen small local floods (like creeks flowing over roads, and parkinglots or parks full of water) after heavy thunderstorms.
This is another thing where there is certainly an attraction to seeing/watching (and has been since I was a kid...I can remember getting my dad to drive me around to the various little creeks here to see them "flooded" after a storm). I personally wouldn't want to see a town damaged or anything, but I'd love to whitness a raging flood through a mountain canyon or something along those lines.

I don't like wind just in general.
I've experienced plenty of high-wind events in my time. That's just part of being in CO near the mountains.

Only ever been through one Derecho (we don't get those, I believe that one is the only one that has *ever* happened here)
While it was fascinating/exciting to watch it approach, and then hit - "like a high-powered thunderstorm that blasted through" quickly.
The wind was so strong, its one of the few times I backed away from the window I was watching out, wondering if the glass would hold up (other couple times I've backed away involved hail)
I've never experienced a storm quite like that before. While actually watching it certainly fed my 'need/love of thunderstorms' , I wouldn't want another... things like dealing the large tree in the yard it took down wasn't so fun. (but deff did provide some nice firewood)

Others not on the list...
Hurricanes: There's a side of me that would love to go see/experience a high-end hurricane, particularly the eyewall, and inside the eye!
It'll never actually happen (since that would require traveling long distances...and I wouldn't know how to do it safely (and most importantly a guaranteed way to get out/head home as soon as it was done))
Twenty years ago I would have said tornadoes, but the pursuit of them has been bastardized to the point of lunacy. The crowds have made tornado chasing too stressful and hazardous.

I'd go with hurricanes now days, followed by haboobs here in Arizona. Lightning is also fun, but I've accomplished about every shot I can think of.
A year ago I would have said tornadoes- now I appreciate a good thunderstorm. There is nothing like enjoying the structure of a good storm from home on a lazy afternoon.
Except for the beauty of a nocturnal storm- the lightning revealing a beautiful shelf cloud- that is my favorite!


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Well, in terms of weather I have and can experience, it's thunderstorms and then wind events, as that's mostly what we get over here! That's one of the draws of travelling to the US - just to experience weather on a scale we don't get here.