According to quantum physics, there is an intimate relationship between the observer and that which is observed, such that the observer actually by their presence exerts an influence on the observed event and thereby changes it's original configuration.
I am curious if any of you fellow chasers have had any experiences to this effect while tracking and intercepting storms.
I first noticed this sometimes during my lightning bolt chases in the 1970's when storms seemed to suddenly strengthen 2 or 3 miles to my West, climax overhead then suddenly fade when passing off to my East. I wondered then, if my energy somehow contributed to the configuration of the storm.
In short, do any of you experience a consistant pattern or relationship with storms during your intercepts, either positive or negative. Also if that pattern changed, were there any corresponding inner changes in your attitude or mental posture that coincided with these outer changes, beyond merely perfecting the science of forecasting or improving your real time data?
I am curious if any of you fellow chasers have had any experiences to this effect while tracking and intercepting storms.
I first noticed this sometimes during my lightning bolt chases in the 1970's when storms seemed to suddenly strengthen 2 or 3 miles to my West, climax overhead then suddenly fade when passing off to my East. I wondered then, if my energy somehow contributed to the configuration of the storm.
In short, do any of you experience a consistant pattern or relationship with storms during your intercepts, either positive or negative. Also if that pattern changed, were there any corresponding inner changes in your attitude or mental posture that coincided with these outer changes, beyond merely perfecting the science of forecasting or improving your real time data?