Post timestamps

Dan Robinson

I've noticed that posts are showing mysterous timestamps. The timestamps shown are 2 hours earlier than EDT (1 hour earlier than CDT)

I though maybe either the forums were on MDT or the server clock somehow got reset.

I posted this at 12:23PM EDT.
I've noticed that posts are showing mysterous timestamps. The timestamps shown are 2 hours earlier than EDT (1 hour earlier than CDT)

I though maybe either the forums were on MDT or the server clock somehow got reset.

I posted this at 12:23PM EDT.

Hmm... I'm on CDT, and the time stamps shows 11:23am, which is correct. What does the time stamp say on your side? You've set the time correctly in My Controls >> Board Settings (under Options)?
Thanks! That was it. My settings reverted back to CDT when the new board was installed, and the auto-DST adjustment didn't change the time for me. Working fine now.