North up or Track up?

May 22, 2007
Muskogee, OK
Maybe this thread has been done before so if it has I apologize in advance.
A good friend that I chase with on occasions uses a Lowrance GPS very similar to mine but refuses to let me set it to "north up" when we are in his vehicle. I on the other hand cannot operate it in the "track up" setting. It totally confuses me when it is not in the "north up" setting. I have my theory of why this is but would like others opinions and preferences.
North up is totally confusing to me. I have mine set to track up so that when you are looking at your GPS and you need to make a turn then it is a no brainer. You don't have to decipher NSEW and then decide is it a left or right that I need to make. There are to many other things that I need to be worrying about and if I can eliminate one I will do so.
I'm the North up type. When chasing I want to take decision more in advance than only the 'next turn'... I find it easier this way when more than one move is planned... Easier to find NESW directions and interception/escape planning becomes easier...
People have thier navigation preferences; if a particular way works for you then go with it! Luckily many devices/software packages will allow you to present the information either way.

I personally prefer "North Up". Having used paper maps for navigation purposes for many years I find it more natural and seems to mesh with how my brain interprets my current position.
I prefer track up on the GPS, but I still use North up when dealing with paper maps.

I picked up the preference for "track up" flying airplanes. I want the picture out the windows to agree with the picture on the map.
I am a north up type of guy. Was in the military for 6 years, ground combat, and north up is second nature to me. I know some fellow employees that are track up or always need to orientate a map to the direction they are facing, that is kinda funny to me. To each their own and what works for you.
I'm north up for everything. My girlfriend is track up when it comes to paper maps. Neither of us does well with the other method which can make looking at a map together frustrating. Maybe it's a right hand, left hand, roll your tongue kind of thing.
North Up...but how about both.

I'm such a I use to play with maps, and draw my own highways on old maps. I also drew my own maps and cities and more. This all started when I was around 5 years old. I enjoyed this with my best friend, who lived next door...and eventually he became a cartographer. So over all those years of playing with maps, I always noticed they were North Up. So I grew into that mode.

I've always used my computer navigation in that mode. However, at times, when holding a paper map, I have found myself doing the navigator's shuffle, and spin. I also admit that using the North Up mode has confused me a few times, and I ended making a right turn instead of a left (or vice-versa).

I think, if I end up with a laptop of navigation and have one of those little LCD screens I'll keep the DeLorme in North Up, but I might make the little device in the Track Up mode...just for confirmation on turn directions. Plus, it's a back up if one or the other fails...two is better than one.
With track up, you can lose your sense of direction if you're not on a Plains-style road grid. Using it anywhere else would mess me up pretty quickly.
Track up for me...I am the "mappiest guy" out there; go through a rand mcnally every year; degree in geography as well. I just find it more realistic to go "track up". If I need to turn left, then it is laid out to the left on the gps. It makes it real quick and simple and I am not trying to do the reverse direction in my head. If I am looking at my gps and see Baker Road coming up to the right, I just look to the right. Just easier for me in my head...
I have to go north up... It seems so much easier to me to just look at the track to see where I'm going and see if it has to be a right/left turn. I'm a man of directions though, I can be sitting in a building and still pick out which direction is which, must be something about living in rural Iowa... :D
Ok, my theory has crumbled! I figured that all past paper users as myself would be North up and all young GPSers,(those who have never used a paper map) would be Track up. Maybe it is a role your tongue kind of thing just like Tony said.