*New Users. Meet and Greet Area*

Hello, my name is Chase. I am a tornado-crazy person of 14 and live in southeast MN. I picked up the storm chasing hobby just over a year ago but I have lately been learning how to forecast a read basic surface maps and stuff like that. (it takes hard work to get good at forecasting)
Greetings! im a 16 year old die-hard enthusiast from the west Michigan region. i am most well known for owning a large social club (kind of like stormtrack;)) on the XBOX club community, and have a large presence in the MANY storm chasing "games" on the Roblox game website platform. i am planning to dip my feet into deeper waters soon and do some IRL chasing, but im still learning and relatively new to the more complex side of chasing. i am using this website to learn and connect with like-minded peeps, see you on the site!
Hey all, my name's Josh Hoover and I'm a weather enthusiast from Central Indiana. I'm 22 and I've been interested in weather ever since I was a kid. I started chasing this year and only managed to chase 4 storms and I still have lots to learn before I'd personally consider myself a storm chaser. And thanks to having gotten a job at Purdue University, I can finally start working towards a meteorology degree without needing to worry about debt. Only downside is that Purdue requires it's employees to be part-time students, so it's going to take twice as long to achieve that degree, but I'm hoping to rack up more chasing experience during these next 6-7 years. Oh and the girl in my avatar is my girlfriend from Louisiana.
Dear Lady's and Gentlemen (and everything in between),

Thanks for letting me in to the club of storm chasers – although there is not much to chase in the Netherlands if it comes to tornado's —, a few people in the Netherlands like myself are interested in extreme weather conditions for scientific approach (that doesn't mean we aren't excited to witness some nice storm fronts and the trill of chasing). There is just a small problem that I encounter, 99% of the chasers are not interested in building some personal projects to improve the experience like I am trying to do.

In my case, I'm converting an old car specially for chasing weather conditions and small vacation (sad enough we don't have the giant AWD or 4×4 cars like you have “within reasonable prices”, and the gas prices, insurance and road tax are not cheap in the Netherlands), my targets are the southern of Europe for the more extreme storms and the Scandinavian region for the Aurora borealis and star gazing. That means that there are some challenges to overcome for building the best between both worlds of chasing storms and astronomy.

For now, I'm quite interested in the more advanced knowledge and reaching out to a bigger community outside the Netherlands and, improve my language (especially technical terms) for international communication. The best way is reading as much as possible from time to time, so I can improve my skills.

For now my small introduction and soon up to a personal topic with my progress and questions when needed.

Sincerely yours,
Hi everyone... I'm Pierre (yeah just like the name of the capital city of South Dakota...) and I'm very happy and, yes, really proud to become a member and a supporter of Stormtrack...

I have been a weather enthusiast and a storm watcher since I was a kid... and, not fortuitously, I'm a geographer by training... I live in France...

Finally, I'd like to have a though for all the victims of severe weather events...

Thanks for reading!
Hello, I'm from the Dairy State, and chase as a hobby. My dad told me about an F3 tornado that he recalled, taking shelter from it near Dorchester, WI., back in the 70s. We set out to view the storms crashing through our area on June 11, 2001, and I've been hooked ever since.

I've often referred to this page for info, not only for particular set ups but also to learn more about storms in general. I figured I'd make an account to make it official!

Want to give a quick Thank you for accepting me into the group. Chase on and chase safe!
Hi all, I’m John.
I’ve always been fascinated with extreme weather, I don’t get to go on any real long distance chases very often, but like to learn as much as I can from as many as possible.
I am a big fan of SKYWARN, and am actively working on ideas to improve the system in my area, and the program in general.
I love to debate “hot topics”, as that is often when people really let you know how they feel and who they are.
I’m also an equipment geek. I love getting gear to work better than it has in the past, and finding out what works best, when, where, and why.
I am also getting more involved in ham radio (NO9X) and ARES/RACES, as well as GMRS.
Best of luck to everyone this year!
Hi guys,
I'm Kieran from south UK.
Always been fascinated by storms, and tornadoes. Think my interest came from living is a tropical country as a kid and having a lightning storm almost every night. That, and seeing the movie Twister when I was 5 years old. ;)
Did my first storm chase last year with some guys I met through a storm chasing game, and it was excellent! Didn't catch any tornadoes sadly, but witnessed some immense lightning storms and supercells.
Hoping to network with some guys on here and head back out to the plains. Fingers crossed, this year!
Cheers all
Hello all.

I've been a long time lurker on this discussion board, sporadically returning to it from time to time. I decided to finally make it official and sign up for an account. I've been fascinated with tornadoes since I was very young and originally wanted to be a storm chaser myself. My priorities changed over time and I ended up getting a degree in biology instead of pursuing an education in weather. Regardless, I've never lost that desire to see a tornado (at a safe distance) in real life. So far, that item on my bucket list is still yet to be checked.

I am John from the Netherlands. member of a chasingclub overhere. But I folow each year also the tornado chases in Tornado Alley by internet.. A few of the members of mine weatherclub have been chasing in the USA as well. for example withe Cloud9 tours. Next year a few of them fly to Tornado Alley as well, succes chasing and or dicussing!!

Hi, I'm Diana. I've lurked on Stormtrack for a very long time, and finally decided it was past time to sign up for an account. Severe weather simultaneously fascinates me, frustrates me (as I am also an amateur astronomer), and terrifies me. Being close to a supercell thunderstorm is a humbling experience! But I have to admit that they are beautiful. Anyway, I look forward to increasing my knowledge here, and perhaps even one day going on a chasing tour.
I feel silly and didn’t realize this was the hub for new members to introduce themselves. My name is Shannon, but I like to be called Shan. I’m almost 19 and I’m on the autism spectrum.My special interests are South Park, art, and severe weather. I’ve had this interest in tracking weather events for almost ten years now.
Hello folks, I'm Mason from Chicago. I first got introduced to storm chasing via Hank Schyma (Pecos Hank on YouTube) and the rabbit hole never stopped. We don't get much where I live and I'm still a few seasons away from my first chase, so for now I'll watch and learn from all of you.