*New Users. Meet and Greet Area*

Hi there, I'm Jake and I am from Pittsburgh, PA. I have always been interested in storms and weather, but have recently decided that I want to learn more and see more. I usually take lightning photos. I got my Skywarn certification earlier this year and am looking forward to learning more about weather. I am currently a student in Williamsport, PA and spend my weekends in Cadiz, Ohio. I am also hoping to get more into chasing next spring and summer.
Hi all, I'm Quinton. I'm 19 and from St. Louis, Missouri and have been interested in the weather for as long as I can remember. I've been chasing since 2018 and do not anticipate stopping any time soon. I've always primarily had interest in research and instrument meteorology. Though the instrument side may be one of the more niche topics in the field, it's always captivated my curiosity. The first tornado I legitimately saw and caught on video was near Divernon, IL back in July of 2020. I hope to make meteorology a career and past that I can't say. I'd like to work on ASOS's or drive mobile mesonets with the NSSL but who knows. Time will tell.

I found the forums after searching for weather related groups on the internet and have been a member for a few years now actually. I've learned quite a bit from here and hope to give back in some way as others have with the loads of information available.
Hello, I'm Diane. I live in a smallish town in southeastern Minnesota, along the Mississippi River. I've been fascinated with severe weather ever since I was a child when the 1965 tornadoes devastated the northern suburbs of Minneapolis less than a mile from our house. A night of terror. Fast forward to 1986, and a tornado went about a quarter mile past our house in Brooklyn Park and watching it from our basement window with my young children. Not so terrified then but mesmerized! I'm finally retired and have been a certified Skywarn spotter going on my fourth year this spring. I really enjoy landscape and weather photography while I'm out spotting as well.
Hello, I'm Diane. I live in a smallish town in southeastern Minnesota, along the Mississippi River. I've been fascinated with severe weather ever since I was a child when the 1965 tornadoes devastated the northern suburbs of Minneapolis less than a mile from our house. A night of terror. Fast forward to 1986, and a tornado went about a quarter mile past our house in Brooklyn Park and watching it from our basement window with my young children. Not so terrified then but mesmerized! I'm finally retired and have been a certified Skywarn spotter going on my fourth year this spring. I really enjoy landscape and weather photography while I'm out spotting as well.
Hi Diane, welcome to storm track! Minnesota is a great state to spot from during the summer. The Brooklyn Park tornado video is some of the most iconic tornado footage around! Very cool to have a personal connection with it.
Hi Diane, welcome to storm track! Minnesota is a great state to spot from during the summer. The Brooklyn Park tornado video is some of the most iconic tornado footage around! Very cool to have a personal connection with it.
Thank you for the warm welcome! I have very vivid memories of both events, if anyone would like to discuss them.
Hi everyone, I go by Ness. I'm just an enthusiast trying to learn more. I'm in my 30s, working, going to college, and trying to learn more about weather to help report storms. Thanks for having me :)
Hey there, name's Will, 34, and I live in central Mississippi (north side of Jackson). I have been reading these forums since July 2020 as a guest and decided it's time I joined up. Have been interested in storms since I was a kid. I used to go out and watch lightening stike around the rez here in town back when I was young. Currently when I have the day off from work due to weather in area I go out in central and south MS chasing storms for personal data collection and assistance in spotter reports. Look forward to expanding my knowledge and interests in storms with you all.
Hi everyone, I'm Patches 41. I have a 13 year old daughter, Salisha, that has been interested in storm chasing since she was 7 or so. We live in Southern Indiana. Over the past year we decided to get more involved with the community so she can explore more than watching YouTube videos.
Hello from me, Jamie from the United Kingdom. Long time severe weather fan, hoping to make the trip of a lifetime to the US for some storm chasing in the next few years (global economy pending!). Wanted to sign up here so I could delve more into chasing, forecasting, and so forth, so when I am able to fly out I will have an idea of what I am doing!
Hello there! I'm Daniel, a fan from up in the great white north, who's had a passion for storms since a young age, in recent years, it's mainly been focusing on doing some amateur meteorology as chasing isn't really common up here.
I don't really plan on chasing any time soon, I'm mainly here to research and provide input for potential Canadian events (especially in my local area, since I know pretty much all the roads up here.)
Hi all, I live in north central Oklahoma and have been fascinated with weather as far back as I can recall. I grew up in the southeastern US, with zero knowledge that chasing even existed. When I moved to OK in the early 90s, I was amazed that it was possible to physically see supercell develop, evolve and collapse.

i stumbled on ST years ago, and have mostly lurked and learned during seasons when I have opportunity to chase. I am still somewhat of a beginner, and have always shied away from posting. But now being much older and maybe a tiny bit wiser, I know that posting will help me learn.

i love this community and look forward to engaging more!
I'm a long time enthusiast and first season spotter out of Naperville, IL. The tornado that came through here a little more than a year ago pushed me to be even more interested in local weather. (I went to sleep that night, brushing off the storm since "nothing ever happens here" and slept through having a tornado touch down within walking distance, thankfully an EF0 at the time.)
Hello all! Ryan from AZ here. Raised in western Oklahoma so grew up watching storms. My job now bounces me back and forth to Texas so looking forward to chasing something besides haboobs here in the desert. Been a ham for a long time. Former DEC, registered with Phx NWS as well
Hi there! My name is DJ. I grew up in southeast Michigan but moved out to eastern Kansas in 2020. I'm in the academic field, mostly studying maritime history and 19th century shipwrecks; however, I've been a weather enthusiast since I was very young ('The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald' kickstarted my interest). Somewhere deep in my garage is a picture of me as a storm chaser during my 6th grade career day, so now that I live out here, I can hopefully make 12-year-old me proud!
Hello. My name is Jonathan, but I sometimes go by JJ. I'm in my teens, and located in the DC metro area. I've been interested in weather my whole life, but recently started getting into the science of it. I hope to go to either OU or University of Illinois and major in atmospheric sciences. I want to either work at a job like the national weather service or SPC, or work at an organization like the CSWR. I'm a sucker for pretty storm structures. Very excited to be here!. (Side note) If you want to send me articles or videos regarding beginner forecasting and stuff of that sort, that would be greatly appreciated!