*New Users. Meet and Greet Area*

I'm Lexie from Metropolis, IL! I work in insurance and though I do hate dealing with claims, I have always loved weather, specifically severe weather. I am so excited as I have just finished training to be a spotter. I would love to chase storms for a living and eventually plan to be a CAT adjuster. Very excited to be a part of this group and learn!
Hi I'm Daryl, out of Farmington NH.
I've been a weather enthusiast since I was a little kid, standing outside with my dad watching thunderstorms roll in. I've been a skywarn spotter for a couple of years, and am interested in gaining a better understanding of the hows and whys of severe weather.
My name is Phoenix, and I'm a trans storm chaser from Northwood, NH. I've been interested in meteorology for almost ten years now after I found Storm Chasers on Netflix. I've been filming the weather since 2014 and 2021 is my first full season of driving and chasing since I got my license. I'm always wanting to learn more about the science behind the weather and I'm planning on studying meteorology in college.
Hi ya'll, my name is Jolien and I'm from the Netherlands, Europe. I've been chasing in Europe since 2014, and its my biggest passion. Every year we are trying to get bigger storms and we chase more and moie in The Netherlands, Belgium, France and Germany. Even when I'm on holiday, I watch the weather. My husband is a good one, because he even proposed me while chasing a storm on our holiday in Greece :D

So we'd planned to go to tornado alley in 2020, but as we all know that didn't work out. For this year its the same, but I'm also gratuating so this year we'll might be going to Italy for an Europe chase :p

But then 2022 will be our year. Together with my chasefriends we will come to tornado alley for at least 1 month. And I'm allready looking forwart to it :D And I'm preparing, by watching all kinds of informative video's from Skip Talbot and Pecos Hank. If you have more informative video's, pls let me know :D
Hi! I'm Greg and I'm from the Muscle Shoals area of NW Alabama. I've been a weather enthusiast since April of 1977 when an F5 roared across NW Birmingham. That was only a few miles from my childhood home and ever since then my eyes have been on the skies. Recently began "chasing" beyond my local area. Stretching my legs into the Mississippi Delta looking to photograph storm structure and lightning in the flat lands more so than wrangling tornadoes on the tree lined roads of Dixie Alley.

Hi! I'm Greg and I'm from the Muscle Shoals area of NW Alabama. I've been a weather enthusiast since April of 1977 when an F5 roared across NW Birmingham. That was only a few miles from my childhood home and ever since then my eyes have been on the skies. Recently began "chasing" beyond my local area. Stretching my legs into the Mississippi Delta looking to photograph storm structure and lightning in the flat lands more so than wrangling tornadoes on the tree lined roads of Dixie Alley.

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Nice picture Greg!!
Hi, my name is Taylor and I am from the western suburbs of Chicago. I have had a lifelong interest in weather and especially thunderstorms, but only started actively chasing last year. Despite the low tornado count, I still had a great time being on the road. I am one that is not out just to see tornadoes, but enjoy structure that makes for great landscape photography. After a year and thousands of miles later, my first successful [tornado] chase took place Friday near Vernon, TX, and it was really spectacular. To hone in on a target area, I am admittedly fairly reliant on the SPC forecasts, and the information in threads here is also very helpful. I'm still trying to wrap my head around forecasting, and understanding how to interpret models, but will work to improve this in the future. Once initiation has occurred and there is a clear target, I find the on the ground practical aspects of chasing a storm (anticipating storm motion, keeping track of road networks and escape routes, etc) comes quite naturally.
Hello from Long Island, New York!
I'm your local Genshin Impact player whose favorite song is Disintegration by The Cure, and I also happen to have a near lifetime passionate interest in tornadoes.

I'm 24 years old my curiosity in tornadoes began when I was very young, no older than six years old when my parents purchased a box set of National Geographic videotapes (which happened to be released the year I was born), each one on a different subject: volcanoes, asteroids, and tornadoes — and I obviously took greater interest in one over the others. The tape was titled 'Cyclone!', the cover of which was a picture of a tornado along with a strike of lightning.

The first ever tornado that I was exposed to via the program was the Andover, Kansas tornado, the events of that day narrated by Peter Coyote, and the rest is history; I've watched the tape so many times I can recite it line by line.

Being from New York I've never had the opportunity to chase — I have seen one that was incredibly brief and not on the record, I've experienced many amazing thunderstorms, as well as not so fun tropical storms & hurricanes — but despite that, tornadoes have been my fixation since I first saw the videotape all those years ago. I've kept up with each chase season and then some through my favorite chasers, researched and studied many tornadoes past, and have just generally indulged in all things meteorological in my spare time; career wise, I plan to become a mortician.

And, rather fittingly, I stumbled upon this forum while looking up more information and conversation about the Andover tornado, as well as the Bridge-Creek Moore tornado of 1999.

I hope to learn much more during my time in this forum, and to simply broaden my scope in a more interactive way than I have been. Thank you for having me! 💛
Hello... BK here - I'm in western Oklahoma. I've lived in north Texas and western Oklahoma most of my life, so I'm pretty familiar with severe weather - my first real tornado was the one that hit Wichita Falls in April of 79'. That and I'd call myself a semi pro photographer. Meaning I'm an enthusiast that takes a few paying jobs from time to time... So it seems like a natural marriage, kinda. I'm really interested in learning more on tracking and predicting these storms to get done interesting pictures.

Here are a few from my trip through Texas yesterday (near Knox City)

Hello, my name is Ethan W. and I am from the Hagerstown, Maryland area. I've been a weather enthusiast since I was young, and I will be studying Meteorology at Valparaiso University starting in August 2021.

Being from the Mid-Atlantic region, my chase opportunities are limited compared to those from the deep south or plains, but I have gone chasing locally several times, including a 10% tornado risk day on September 3, 2020, and Tropical Storm Isaias in New Jersey. I'm an admin on a Discord server called Twist of F8, which currently has around 1.2k members, and is owned by Live Streamer/Youtuber N8 Snyder.

I actually saw my first tornado quite recently, in the eastern part of Frederick County, Maryland on May 3, 2021. This event was quite unexpected, and a total of 4 tornadoes were produced by one storm, 3 of which occurred in MD. I intercepted the first of the three in MD, near Libertytown in Frederick County. This tornado was confirmed by the NWS and rated EF-1 with max winds of 90 mph, destroying around 150 trees on its 0.8 mile/200 yard wide path. I have several images of this tornado, although they are quite grainy and were taken by my 14 y/o sister while I was trying to drive lol. Personally, I'd call this my biggest chasing accomplishment so far


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Hi @Ethan W. and welcome to Stormtrack! I live in Bucks County PA, which is a few hours from Hagerstown MD but relatively speaking, in the geographic scale of chasing, we are practically neighbors. Heck, anybody anywhere on the east coast is practically a neighbor! I am actually familiar with Hagerstown, as I used to work for a company that had a factory there, used to go there quite frequently (are the crab cakes still awesome at Nick’s Airport Inn?)
Welcome all new members and chasers. Good to see more geographic areas represented.

To those in the South @Greg Rutland @Cody Allen @Jessica B. I am in Chattanooga, Tenn. None of us are particularly close to one another, except maybe Cody, but we must all embrace the South. Trees, hills, low visibility, poor road choices, and grungy grinders.

I travel chase too since I'm originally from the Plains. Cheers!
Hello, my name is Drew Underwood, I am from the small town of Leeton, Missouri (about 45 Minutes WSW of Sedalia, Mo) but am currently attending college in Lima, Ohio. Like many people on here, my interest in severe weather started at a young age, and it got to the point in my childhood/early teenage years that my dad would always say "Well, he's gonna grow up and either be Mechanic or a Meteorologist." I ended up going into Automotive/Diesel mechanics for a career and I'm about to graduate this year with my second bachelors degree in the automotive field. As far as meteorology, it is one of my favorite hobbies. I became a Skywarn certified spotter in January 2020 and have slowly been getting more into chasing in the past year. I am also trying to get my HAM Radio technicians license to use for communications while spotting because I have come to realize that I lose phone signal quite a lot while chasing. Similar to Ethan W. above, I also chased my first tornadoes this year. I can definitely say that I am 100% hooked and can see myself chasing for years to come.