Hi all,
Just wanted to give a quick update for the users. Progress continues to be made on the next version although efforts have slowed somewhat while trying to clean up issues related to multiple processes, inter-process communications, synchronization, product switching and the like. These are not unusual for any type of application with this level of complexity. Writing an app that does everything it needs to do, without being a hassle to deal with, is a challenge. One of the things being worked on is user perception issues related to the wide variety of device processing power out there. Optimizations are made for those using mobile devices (the primary user base). The good news is that once processing power increases, it should be a very efficient application. I wish I could give a date for when it will be ready, but alas, I don't want to mislead anyone. Some days, very quick progress is made...others...several days are spent identifying and resolving issues with tedious debugging. The important thing is I'm still working on it AND the product that's available now is stable and reliable. I want the next version at least as reliable before it goes out, but that takes time.