Perhaps the mods can shift this to a diff thread since it's more about GR3 than PYKL3
Please forgive my density, Jeff--does this mean that if I select the same tilt in BV and SRV, then when I view BV I am seeing 8-bit SRV? Does one download of both cover all tilts?
Dave -- If you want to see the "high-resolution" SRV data, then you need to also have GR3 set to display the BV data for that particular elevation angle. For example, if you want to view 0.5 degree SRV, then you also should select 0.5 degree BV. You CAN, for example, only select 1.5 degree SRV (without any 1.5 degree BV), but you'll get the older, lower-resolution SRV data.
For example, here's what 0.5 SRV looks like if you don't also have the 0.5 BV set to download:
Note how "blocky" is looks. This is actually how Level 3 SRV data have always been; well, until the recent "upgrade". Now, below is the "new", higher-resolution data:
Similar changes occurred in the reflectivity data, as long as the user is using a "higher-precision" color table. For example, compare the older, 5 dBZ-stepped color table to a "gradient"-type color table using 0.5 degree base reflectivity data:
Note that the colors for any particular dBZ range aren't necessarily the same in the above two images. Instead, notice how much more detail available in the bottom image, or notice the increased granularity, if you will, in the bottom image.