New Lubacca Storm Chasing YouTube Channel

Mar 2, 2004

LAUNCHING ON FEBRUARY 5, my new storm chasing channel, Lubacca! I have uploaded a couple of clips to start things off, including a welcome video detailing what this new channel is all about (links to the two newly uploaded videos in the comments below)! Go give it a look and SUBSCRIBE and SHARE it around!

The February 5 launch is to coincide with the anniversary of my 2008 Super Tuesday Chase, which will be featured in the upload of my entire Lubacca 2008 DVD on the live date! All my other previous DVDs will be launched on the channel in the future!

I have lots of plans for this in the coming year, including uploading of lots of my old storm chasing DVD chapters, creating new video chase logs of many of the major events over the last several years, as well as chase logs from the upcoming 2017 storm season! I will also be doing various live podcasts ranging in topics from forecasting of upcoming events, talking about previous events, and whatever other fun stuff I come up with! I will also be doing periodic giveaways of canvas prints I have taken over the years!

Don't worry, I will still be doing live in-chase updates right here on my Facebook page, but all the polished goodies will be right over on my new channel.

This will be a project of passion, so please SUBSCRIBE, SHARE it among your friends, and give the videos plenty of LIKES and COMMENTS! I hope you enjoy what I have planned for this new venture over the coming year and hopefully many more to follow!

Lubacca Storm Chasing has officially gone live as of 8am this morning with the upload of my entire 2008 storm chasing highlight DVD to correspond to the 9-year anniversary of my Super Tuesday outbreak chase, featured as the first chapter in this production! In total, 10 chapters plus an intro were uploaded with director commentary added to the beginning of several of the bigger chapters!

This is just the start to what's coming to my new channel, including more archive DVD releases dating back as far as 2000, as well as tons of new content, with uploads weekly! Subscribe and stay tuned for a whole lot of good stuff to come :D