New board software online (March 13)

Edward -- I have not seen anything about the system "requiring" full birthdates. As far as I know, that is optional. If it's not, let me know, as that is certainly a privacy concern that we would respect. The only reason for a birthdate I can think of is COPPA (people under 13 on the system) and the birthday greetings module built into the system.

COOL!! This is the same software that we use on a few sites I am a Moderator for ... I like it pretty good...

Looking good Tim.....

David.. I'm sending you a PM bro...

Sent you a PM also Tim...

Some of you may have noticed "Site Admin" ranks for everyone on the left side of all posts. This was strictly a Rank Title issue that carried over from the old board. It was cosmetic only and is fixed.

Hopefully, if people use this, we'll get rid of the "long link" problem that causes people to scroll left/right. Cool stuff.

I just noticed that even when someone doesn't use the "hyperlink icon" (in the text formatting bar above the input text box), this software will automatically limit the size of the text displayed in the link... For example, I'll type out a fake, very long hyperlink, and you should see that the software adds ellipses to the text, though the link will remove accurate:
A supervisor where I work got on ST today to view the topics about yesterday's outbreak, and he said, " man, ST sure has changed it's look." I didn't think anything of it. I got home and log on and it was just like Tim said, I thought "WTF?!!!" But I have to say, I love it. I'll be up all night tinkering with all the little nifties we have on here now. Thanks. :D
Sweet.. I love this software.

Tim -- If you need help developing a forum skin or making custom changes let me know. I run this software over on my other site ( and made quite a few custom changes. I would be glad to help. I also used the forum SDK to make a homepage around the board. It would be my pleasure.
Does it tell you the unread threads?

In addition, you can click on the My Assistant link on the top left hand part of the screen and then just click on the new posts tab.