Its come to my attention that a few people have sent Larry Kosch money to help defray the costs for this party.. That is not nessasary and I was unaware this was even taking place until just now.. Please contact Larry for a refund of your money ASAP as it looks like it will be byob and held in the evening so it'll be a chips dip sorta thing if it even happens.
Originally posted by nickgrillo
The money was used for a gift actually. At least I think so... :?
I was unaware of any of this and since I am the one putting the party together I assure you there was never going to be a gift giving segment.

I know Larry had wonderful intentions but I would have never asked for money donations unless a ton of people were coming to help defray the cost of food. Since it will be BYOB it wasn't nessasary. At any rate I am requesting that Larry return the money to the people who sent it.
Request and Regrets


Per your request, I have started the process of returning the donations to the persons that sent me the monies. I am sorry that I have upset you in your party planning, etc. I was just trying to help you out, etc.

I do have a regret to pass along to you. I found out today at work that my schedule for next weekend has been changed. I will have to do a double shift (ouch!) next Saturday, the 14th. That means I will have to be at work from 6 a.m. until 10 p.m. on that day. Even if I went home after work, changed clothes and drove at warp speed to Omaha, it will be well after 11 p.m. before I get to your party.

I am very, very sorry to tell you that I will not be able to attend. I have been looking forward to your party and was hoping to meet you and other storm chasers in the area. BTW, that means I will not be able to bring up that VCR that we were going to play storm chase videos on. Looks like you will have to find someone else...

Right now I feel so bad and so small, I'm going to dig a hole and bury myself for a couple of weeks. I might even take off on that vacation to Colorado I've been planning. Again I'm sorry Mel. :cry:
Why can't we just push things back a few weeks, especially since some of us are stive actively chasing. Sometime in early September, maybe?


Originally posted by mikedeason
Why can't we just push things back a few weeks, especially since some of us are stive actively chasing. Sometime in early September, maybe?


I'm really cool with that.. This is the season that never ends
New date...

Hey guys,
I also like the idea of pushing the date on this party back some. I've got a couple of things going on this weekend in Denver which would make it too tight a call for me to make any committments for this weekend--but I'd still really like to attend! Basically, I'm fine with changing the date on our get-together (not sure when, but my schedule's fairly flexible after the next couple of weekends).
Mel & Larry: for the record, Larry had only good intentions in collecting donations for the party. He & I had discussed gathering donations for a little surprise for you, Mel, as a "Thank You" gift. Contributions were to be given as just a little cash at the party after he bought the gift & gave it to you, but somehow word leaked on that & our little plan backfired in the wrong way. Personally, I'm still all for that idea.
Anyway, I'll wait 'til we have a better idea of when we can do this.
See u all soon,
Any later and we're getting into Husker Football Season...LOL

*YAWN* And your point is...? :)

Why not Sept 4? Nebraska plays a scrub and the only person watching that game will be Dan Cook anyway? Otherwise the best dates will be:

Oct 23
Oct 30
Nov 13

These will be dates the Huskers will have their rear ends handed to them with second helpings. :twisted:


I'm just an Okie from Muskogee, but have any of you ever considered having the party on a Friday?