Mobile Streaming Video Throttling

Randy Jennings

May 18, 2013
I was reading an article in Wired today called "A Year Without Net Neutrality: No Big Changes (Yet)". It can be found at It begins with "It's been one year since the Federal Communications Commission voted to gut its net neutrality rules. The good news is that the internet isn't drastically different than it was before. But that's also the bad news: The net wasn't always so neutral to begin with."

It goes on to talk about how video streaming from certain content providers has long been throttled by certain carriers. The story seems to mostly be based on research done at Northeastern University that can be found here:

While as chasers we probably do much more uploading of video than downloading of streaming video during a chase, it is still an interesting read (especially where T-Mobile starts out at full speed on some video services, then slows down after a while, but doesn't do that on all providers).
My carrier (vireo wireless) does much of the same and although they never admit to it, I always ask them about it. Once I used more than 10-12 gigs in a month my data starts to get really crappy. Very noticeable.