If there is any take-away from this I implore @Gordon to ensure you are aware of or are working on fixes for the below issues that I experienced firsthand during testing. If this information was lost in translation I take full responsibility for the breakdown in communications. The Technomad folks also experienced or replicated my experiences on several occasions, with different carriers and on each amp you've sent them. Because their forum is private I can't divulge the gory details, but I can certainly talk about my experiences and what matched up with theirs. That's as relevant as it gets IMO, especially for chasers.
- The CLA issue was corrected promptly, so kudos for a job well done. We appreciate how you handled contacting those who were affected with replacement parts.
- Oscillation issues. If the new internal antennas you're sending out are an attempt to fix this behavior then again good work and thank you. Oscillation in regular sized vehicles is particularly affected by this phenomenon. I had a terrible time with red lights and complete lockups of the data signal. I can't count how often I had to pull off the road and reboot the amp because of red lights and signal lockups. Chasers are on the move and can't be dealing with fiddly things like this during the heat of the battle. Oscillation with lockup should be an infrequent event vs regularly occurring.
- Signal degradation and poor download speeds, inability to remain connected when within your signal sensitivity range of 126 db (correct me if wrong) or while on the move with tower handoffs. When the amp was blue and I had a solid connection in more favorable decibel locations, I had Speedtests with typical speeds between 0.30 - 1.49 Mb/s, but with failures and very high ping times as well. I'm pretty sure it was 1XRTT, so no surprise with that. Later in the chase year however, I went through the same locations using my new setup, a lowly WeBoost Signal 4G direct connect, and my connection never dropped and speeds were greatly improved over LTE.
As you progress with new production runs I cannot imagine why you wouldn't use this feedback to improve your product lineup. If your engineer cannot reproduce the issues I don't know how to help other than to say I gave it my best shot and I'm not imagining the results. So really that's it in a nutshell. I'm sorry if the bickering took us to a place we never should have gone, or innocent parties were caught in the crossfire. I'm willing to meet you in the middle if it means improving your product. That's really why I got involved in the first place, to run it through the paces and help make it better.