Max Amp Mobile Review By Steve Miller

Yes and no. I'm saying I had no issues. Different products. Not gonna lie. The way stuff is worded makes me upset on here at times like it just did you. I'm not here to piss you or Gordon off though. Nothing good comes from it. I'll tell you right now that I respect you. Despite if it sounds otherwise. So my apologies.

OTE="Steve Miller, post: 346760, member: 2"]James, you suggested I'm not truthful about my baseline signal, or lack thereof. Please drive to the location I provided and let us know what you find -or- erase your derogatory post.[/Quote
If there is any take-away from this I implore @Gordon to ensure you are aware of or are working on fixes for the below issues that I experienced firsthand during testing. If this information was lost in translation I take full responsibility for the breakdown in communications. The Technomad folks also experienced or replicated my experiences on several occasions, with different carriers and on each amp you've sent them. Because their forum is private I can't divulge the gory details, but I can certainly talk about my experiences and what matched up with theirs. That's as relevant as it gets IMO, especially for chasers.
  1. The CLA issue was corrected promptly, so kudos for a job well done. We appreciate how you handled contacting those who were affected with replacement parts.
  2. Oscillation issues. If the new internal antennas you're sending out are an attempt to fix this behavior then again good work and thank you. Oscillation in regular sized vehicles is particularly affected by this phenomenon. I had a terrible time with red lights and complete lockups of the data signal. I can't count how often I had to pull off the road and reboot the amp because of red lights and signal lockups. Chasers are on the move and can't be dealing with fiddly things like this during the heat of the battle. Oscillation with lockup should be an infrequent event vs regularly occurring.
  3. Signal degradation and poor download speeds, inability to remain connected when within your signal sensitivity range of 126 db (correct me if wrong) or while on the move with tower handoffs. When the amp was blue and I had a solid connection in more favorable decibel locations, I had Speedtests with typical speeds between 0.30 - 1.49 Mb/s, but with failures and very high ping times as well. I'm pretty sure it was 1XRTT, so no surprise with that. Later in the chase year however, I went through the same locations using my new setup, a lowly WeBoost Signal 4G direct connect, and my connection never dropped and speeds were greatly improved over LTE.
As you progress with new production runs I cannot imagine why you wouldn't use this feedback to improve your product lineup. If your engineer cannot reproduce the issues I don't know how to help other than to say I gave it my best shot and I'm not imagining the results. So really that's it in a nutshell. I'm sorry if the bickering took us to a place we never should have gone, or innocent parties were caught in the crossfire. I'm willing to meet you in the middle if it means improving your product. That's really why I got involved in the first place, to run it through the paces and help make it better.
James, thanks for the reply. I'll let you know next time we are over and we'll have a beer.

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If there is any take-away from this I implore @Gordon to ensure you are aware of or are working on fixes for the below issues that I experienced firsthand during testing. If this information was lost in translation I take full responsibility for the breakdown in communications. The Technomad folks also experienced or replicated my experiences on several occasions, with different carriers and on each amp you've sent them. Because their forum is private I can't divulge the gory details, but I can certainly talk about my experiences and what matched up with theirs. That's as relevant as it gets IMO, especially for chasers.
  1. The CLA issue was corrected promptly, so kudos for a job well done. We appreciate how you handled contacting those who were affected with replacement parts.
  2. Oscillation issues. If the new internal antennas you're sending out are an attempt to fix this behavior then again good work and thank you. Oscillation in regular sized vehicles is particularly affected by this phenomenon. I had a terrible time with red lights and complete lockups of the data signal. I can't count how often I had to pull off the road and reboot the amp because of red lights and signal lockups. Chasers are on the move and can't be dealing with fiddly things like this during the heat of the battle. Oscillation with lockup should be an infrequent event vs regularly occurring.
  3. Signal degradation and poor download speeds, inability to remain connected when within your signal sensitivity range of 126 db (correct me if wrong) or while on the move with tower handoffs. When the amp was blue and I had a solid connection in more favorable decibel locations, I had Speedtests with typical speeds between 0.30 - 1.49 Mb/s, but with failures and very high ping times as well. I'm pretty sure it was 1XRTT, so no surprise with that. Later in the chase year however, I went through the same locations using my new setup, a lowly WeBoost Signal 4G direct connect, and my connection never dropped and speeds were greatly improved over LTE.
As you progress with new production runs I cannot imagine why you wouldn't use this feedback to improve your product lineup. If your engineer cannot reproduce the issues I don't know how to help other than to say I gave it my best shot and I'm not imagining the results. So really that's it in a nutshell. I'm sorry if the bickering took us to a place we never should have gone, or innocent parties were caught in the crossfire. I'm willing to meet you in the middle if it means improving your product. That's really why I got involved in the first place, to run it through the paces and help make it better.

You do not know the whole story at all. The testing results were very suspect and multiple RF engineers ( professionals that work with RF for a living could not replicate their results testing head to head against other products ). I was told by one engineer from a carrier that my technology is 5 years ahead of my competitors. You have no idea what I have been through .
There you have it members. That's the same treatment I received when these issues were reported last year. If a person says the unit is anything other than a great product, good luck in being acknowledged. If what you're saying is indeed true Gordon, I'd encourage you to publish those results from the "multiple" RF engineers, or even one of them. But that won't be happening because you want us to just take your word for it and that isn't sufficient anymore with so many test results (containing metrics as proof) to the contrary.
There you have it members. That's the same treatment I received when these issues were reported last year. If a person says the unit is anything other than a great product, good luck in being acknowledged. If what you're saying is indeed true Gordon, I'd encourage you to publish those results from the "multiple" RF engineers, or even one of them. But that won't be happening because you want us to just take your word for it and that isn't sufficient anymore with so many test results (containing metrics as proof) to the contrary.
I will open the invitation again to you Mark to evaluate the production unit . You had a prototype that were issues with . I truly do not understand your hostility towards me when I have only ever supported the storm chasing community. Sponsoring events , donating product and advertising here. You also question a respected member of the community and owner of this actual forum to the validity of his testing.
I knew you'd be back to blame it on the prototype, but that doesn't hold water and I'll tell you why. You've sent multiple production units out in the intervening months to other customers besides Technomad and to date the same exact issues are being reported over and over with the new ones. That sounds like a big waste of my time, but I'm going to go against my better judgement and take you up on your offer, but with a slight twist.

Instead of agreeing to accept a free unit on your terms, I'm going to buy one on my terms. But, I'm not going out in the cold like I did last year, I'll be waiting until next Spring to do any testing. I'll buy one this week if you give me your word that you'll refund my money even if it's in June 2017 when I ask. If it works I'll eat the biggest crow dinner and tell everyone I was wrong. If it doesn't I think you know what's in store.
You understand prototypes were hand made and not spun on a machine so shipping was not good for them and several soldier joints failed. Please name all these people that have posted negative reviews. And whenever there was a problem I rectify as soon as possible . The power supplies were not manufactured by us and I am now on my third manufacturer because of inconsistent performance and their true lack of quality control . I will take you up on your offer one better. I will take your credit card info But I will not charge your card till you are satisfied the product performs as advertised . Till then I ask you do not question the quality of my product from second hand sources but reserve judgement till you see first hand how the product performs. Let me know if these terms are acceptable..
My terms won't change. I want to be treated as any other paying customer. If you won't do it now with a potential future refund I'm out. Also, this type of discussion is an attempt to make sure you understand that problems continue. If you choose to ignore it there isn't much I can do, but it isn't up to you as to what is and isn't discussed regarding any product in the weather space on ST.
I did message Gordon asking if I could test a unit. I do have the weboost and was up for doing some testing and comparisons. There were/are quite a few SVL folks that would have interest in purchasing this product if it performs as advertised. I thought it would be a win win for both sides because, lets be honest, $600 for any chaser is really hard to put up for something that does not have evidence of being better. 15 days is really hard to get that grasp and comparison.. Personally I would need a couple months in different locations to give a fully good test of both products for comparison.

Sadly I was turned down on this offer. I was told the test products were offered to steve, mark and 1 other person..

I have since read Steve's review and I am going to take the bullet for our team and do the test.. If it works great im not out $600 and I know of quite a few people that will probably purchase.. If it doesn't work as good? Well, there will be more knowledge for everyone.
Gordon... If I purchase I would be more than willing to drive to your location. We can verify everything is installed to your specifications and liking and I will take a couple months and test this side by side. If your interested.. Just trying to help everyone...

Let me ask your opinion on this Gordon as well.. Little off topic... Verizon just got FCC clearance for purchase of XO Communications fiber optic network. Which will most likely solidify there network capabilities as well as pave the way to 5g.. Its possible none of this will even matter in a couple years. Are you folks already planning something for this? Seems with 5g not having the power to "reach" as far as 4g would mean 5g boosters might even be more important?
Gordon... If I purchase I would be more than willing to drive to your location. We can verify everything is installed to your specifications and liking and I will take a couple months and test this side by side. If your interested.. Just trying to help everyone...

Let me ask your opinion on this Gordon as well.. Little off topic... Verizon just got FCC clearance for purchase of XO Communications fiber optic network. Which will most likely solidify there network capabilities as well as pave the way to 5g.. Its possible none of this will even matter in a couple years. Are you folks already planning something for this? Seems with 5g not having the power to "reach" as far as 4g would mean 5g boosters might even be more important?

Quite Honestly no on the XO Communications . According to my engineer friends at Verizon said that purchase was made to beef up the backhaul on towers because they lacking on the speed side with so many people abusing the bandwidth .5G when implemented will be on the same towers and hopefully same frequencies being used now . With the 600 mhz auctions happening now . The plan is only to deploy in major population areas. Boosters will still be relevant
My terms won't change. I want to be treated as any other paying customer. If you won't do it now with a potential future refund I'm out. Also, this type of discussion is an attempt to make sure you understand that problems continue. If you choose to ignore it there isn't much I can do, but it isn't up to you as to what is and isn't discussed regarding any product in the weather space on ST.
Fine I will give you the stormtrack discount I have offered . Pleases PM Billing / Shipping and payment method.
I'm going to purchase it through your store just like everyone else and I don't want a discount. Please do not attempt to circumvent accepting the payment I send Gordon. If you do I'll refuse the shipment at the door and it'll be on its way back to Buffalo. Please send me a shiny new unit with no scratches or smudges and if I need support after the purchase I promise to remain civil at all junctures as long as you don't summarily dismiss me.

By the time I get around to testing this myself, the RVInternet folks will have published their final review for all to see publicly and hopefully Jack will be weighing in with his results as well. The primary reason Chris and Cherie keep delaying a final verdict is they're giving you every opportunity to change their mind before it's too late. It's very important to me that you know we aren't a secret society/group full of Maximum Signal haters over there. To the contrary and on many occasions we've discussed how we're rooting for you to return to success with your new product after all the troubles you've been through. Basically we're just a group of folks who look deeper for proven results before buying and because we're techno geeks and that's what we enjoy doing. Thanks for meeting me half way.
I've held up my end of the bargain and the order has been placed. Honestly I'm excited and I want nothing more than for this to blow my doors off as you once told me Gordon.

I also want to ensure that we remain on track, above board, and we try to work towards a favorable outcome for everyone as this moves forward. That's really the whole point of this exercise. On that note, I need reassurance that there won't be any conflicts of interest in any future test efforts, especially if we have certified WeBoost resellers testing Maximum Signal products. I know we've had several members who are or were resellers over the years frequenting these threads and I can imagine there are all kinds of folks who are licking their chops to get a free unit in exchange for a review. If this describes you please chime in.