Laird Cell Booster Antenna

Jan 24, 2016
Fairview, Texas
I think I am going to bite the bullet and upgrade from the stock antenna just to see if there is any difference.

I have narrowed it down between two but would like some feedback from the community.

Now this one seems rather popular on here from what I have seen.

I am also intrigued by this one though as it seems to have a slightly better gain on some bands.

Even though the first one seems to be better on the bands that really matter 3G/4G/LTE even though there is a lack of detailed specs compared to the second one. So any suggestions based on their experience on ether one?

I didn't think anyone was listening there for awhile! Here is the data sheet from Laird Technology on the second model you're considering Nick. Please don't be afraid to talk to the guys at WPS as they're very knowledgeable, friendly, and helpful.

It looks like the first one is the same one I use. Very stealth and compact, with a magnet that is stronger than strong. Good choice my friend.

Edit: it seems the second model (or link above) is better suited to GSM carriers like T Mobile, whereas the 6927 is for Verizon and their LTE bands.
Mark the first one was based off your recommendation from another post. Being a radio operator I am familiar with Laird and their quality which is very good and why I am leaning towards that option for an upgraded antenna. I would be going with the NMO solution though.

The reason I was leaning towards the second is due to the fact that I am on a T-Mobile network for my hotspot. Can't afford a Verizon hotspot at the moment but, that could change down the road or I could use my iPhone which is on the AT&T network so trying to plan for the future too.

It seems the second one has a little bit better gain but not much over the first one. I see the first one you use and recommend is geared more towards 3G/4G LTE where the second one offers better gain on a weak T-Mobile network. See my delimia, ha! I guess I could get both even though I don't want to and test them out.

So see I am planning for the future and having to use it for my present hotspot would the first one be suitable for the T-Mobile network? I still need that 3G option available for areas where I can't pick up 4G LTE.
I have the NMO mount (versus the permanent mount model), which can be easily swapped out with another antenna if the carrier changes down the road or new frequencies are deployed. The mount I use is essentially a base and separate antenna with a 3/4" thread connecting the two. All in all it's a very compact unit that's worthy of its name - Phantom.

I hope the other carriers eventually put enough pressure on VZW, so they become more customer friendly than they are now. IMHO I think they should allow for rollover of unused data as a starting point to get back on the right track. Oh well, not to drift too far off topic here.

My understanding of how a hotspot switches to the various signals available (LTE / 3G / 1XRTT) is that it's seamless as long as you antenna picks up those frequencies. I may have misunderstood your last question though, sorry about that.

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Well I talked to WPS via chat and they said my best bet would be TRA6927M3NB-001 model as it works across all carriers networks on 3G/4G and LTE even if I was to change my hot spot carrier. So that is my best bet. Even though it has less gain than the other one, it only works with T-Mobile network where this one will work with any. So I can sacrifice a little bit of gain for compatibility down the road.

One reason why I went with T-Mobile is they do the rollover data and once you use all your LTE plan data you're not charged for overages it just throttles down and no contract which is great. Also if I am in an area where I am not getting 4G LTE data, it doesn't count towards my plan. 10GB for $50 plus rollover and semi-unlimited data is perfect for me since I am not chasing but locally and from time to time maybe out of state if it's a good setup. Eventually I might go with Verizon if I feel I need it and can afford the cost of monthly fees and being locked into a contract.