Shane Adams

This idea was a hit last year and produced thousands of dollars towards the tsunami relief effort a year ago. A sequel was briefly mulled over earlier this year but never got off the ground. I think we have a pretty damn good reason to re-think this idea. I don't know about video production, but I'm guessing there will be a long line of chasers (including me) who would be willing to donate 2005 video for the project.

If anyone's interested and makes this happen, I'm in.
I'd definitely be interested in helping out with this...

I have shot >20hrs of video from late April thru late June this year. Therefore, I have a wide variety of different material I could donate to this production. BTW If nobody wants to do the actual production itself, I'm all in for doing it.

Any others?
I think it's a great idea. Kudos to you for coming up with the idea and for all of those who are willing to pitch in. I am writing because someone may be able to find a professional editor to donate their services for free, for the cause. Just an idea.
I think it's a great idea. Kudos to you for coming up with the idea and for all of those who are willing to pitch in.

In absolutely no discredit to Shane, but this was started last year with Storms of 2004, which was headed up by Greg Stumpf I believe, and all proceeds from that DVD production went to charity. There was a discussion about a 2005 version earlier this year, and I certainly think that the Katrina disaster is a very worthwhile cause for a 2005 edition.
Greg Stumpf and Jim LaDue spearheaded this project a year ago, and raised over $2000 for various charities, a portion of which went directly to tsunami relief. I just took their idea and applied it to Katrina.
I would be more than happy to put the DVD together under OEGP (One Eyed Guy Productions) at no cost. It would be great to help out. Let me know.

That works for me. If anyone would like to contribute video, please PM me.
I don't have any good 2005 video to contribute, but I will definitely donate some funds for media, cases and stuff.

Mods, any chance we can sticky this thread so it doesn't get lost?
I'll have to talk with Jim LaDue about this again! Last week, we thought the idea was pretty much dead due to lack of real motivation, but Katrina certainly changes that landscape again.

We had rounded up about 75% of the participants to produce a "Storms of 2005" DVD, but were still awaiting some help with some of the chapters to proceed - including Shane and Mickey for a Apr 21 chapter. You guys in? We were also missing a producer/volunteer to take on the Jun 7 chapter. We already had volunteers for the other major chapters (Mar 21, Apr 10, May 12, June 4, June 5, June 9, June 11, June 12), but not sure at the moment of these folks are still "in".

Please PM me if you are interested in helping co-produce the project. Once we get a sizeable number of folks to help produce, then we will send out a call for video submissions.

BTW - Walt Lyons, the AMS President, is behind this project and is willing to showcase the DVD during on of the major "electronic theatre" segments at the 2006 AMS Annual Meeting.

My chase year also was not good so I don't have any footage to donate. (I am still kicking myself about not donating footage in 2004).

I can donate money to help with production and duplication costs.

Bill Hark
Great idea guys, unfortunately I don’t have any video to contribute (been one of those years). Anyway all I can offer is some free posting on my site. I have space and bandwidth, so just let me know if I can help. Good luck
I have a little bit of video of a tornado near Kearney NE back in May that I would be more than happy to share. Thats about all i have for the year.
May not be good enough for a DVD though. Let me know.

I have a little video from the Paris, Texas tornado of March 21st that I would be willing to give (though Jeff S. might have better vid). That is all. :D

Have stickied this.

Here is another post from Shane I couldn't move
I'm looking for video of the April 21 SE Kansas tornadoes, for use on the Storms Of 2005 Charity DVD. If anyone is interested in donating video, please PM me.
Storm Chase Videos by Shane Adams
Jim LaDue and I will be sending out an official request for video contributions to the Storms of 2005 DVD project in the next few days, as soon as we have all the chapter producers committed to their chapters. We'll include submission guidelines (formats, lengths, add NO graphics, release statements, etc) at that time. Just like last year.
