I've been DROIDED!

I might add in that the Eris does the free tethering too.

There really is no such thing as "free tethering" with the new plans now with Verizon. All plans require a $30 tethering feature added to the account. Now that doesnt mean it wont work because it WILL work and work well with all the hacks and programs such as PDANET. Im just saying that if they catch you tethering without a tethering option, be prepared to pay $1.99 per mb. 1GB=$2037.76 OUCH :cool:
There really is no such thing as "free tethering" with the new plans now with Verizon. All plans require a $30 tethering feature added to the account. Now that doesnt mean it wont work because it WILL work and work well with all the hacks and programs such as PDANET. Im just saying that if they catch you tethering without a tethering option, be prepared to pay $1.99 per mb. 1GB=$2037.76 OUCH :cool:

But how will they know if you're tethering or not? Yes it's true you have to pay $30 a month for data just because you have a smartphone. There was also a separate charge for tethering if you wanted that too, (though I can't seem to find it on Verizon right now). But how does someone on the other end know if the data I'm downloading is going to a tethered laptop, or to the phone only?

I've used pdanet on my droid to good success, and like others here, have not found a really useful radar/wx app. For the time being I just use websites, mainly COD.
Smells like opportunity for some weather weenie app developer! ATTENTION NERDS: We need something akin to threatnet for the DROID! GET TO WORK!:D

I'll check out F5 in the mean time.

It wont be long before techno-chasing will be possible without a laptop...all we will need is a phone. Remember the good ol days when you chased by synoptic maps and what the sky told you? I bet the small town libraries miss us all stopping be there for a quick look at the latest SPC MDs!
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The streaming apps, qik and ustream, both stink in comparison to chasertv. i've tested them both and can't recommend them as a chaser stream tool.
But how will they know if you're tethering or not? Yes it's true you have to pay $30 a month for data just because you have a smartphone. There was also a separate charge for tethering if you wanted that too, (though I can't seem to find it on Verizon right now). But how does someone on the other end know if the data I'm downloading is going to a tethered laptop, or to the phone only?

I've used pdanet on my droid to good success, and like others here, have not found a really useful radar/wx app. For the time being I just use websites, mainly COD.

Really the only sure way for them to find out that your tethering without paying for it is by the amount of bandwidth you are using. As a rule, most smartphones dont use extreme amounts of bandwidth because of their design, mobile browsers, etc. Now if you tether alot, this will dramatically increase your usage and they will catch on, several have been caught because of this. IMHO, if you use it sparingly for light web browsing, you will probably fly under the radar just fine with no worries.
I bet the small town libraries miss us all stopping be there for a quick look at the latest SPC MDs!

I used to be one of those without a computer of my own, hanging out at the library using the internet, and when I'd hear that the chasers had all been there using the computers, I'd smile because I knew the weather was gonna be changin'!
The streaming apps, qik and ustream, both stink in comparison to chasertv. i've tested them both and can't recommend them as a chaser stream tool.
As someone who has no desire to set up a streaming camera in my car, Qik seems to be a great app for me to be able to quickly shoot some video, while also giving folks a chance to see things live (I have no plans nor desire to run it full time). I don't see a problem with Qik as a chaser streaming tool except it's not really plugged into the typical/popular communication pipes. Ustream just doesn't have the resolution to be any good. Further, the set up on Qik is much nicer and streamlined than what you get at Ustream (but that's because there's a bit of a difference between what Ustream and Qik are looking to deliver, IMO). I shot two videos of approximately the same thing here in my front yard: Ustream and Qik. The only nice thing I see with the Ustream app is it will send a tweet when I start streaming and when the video is done and uploaded; Qik sends it after I've finished and it uploads the video.
Radar update

I just found Imaps Weather app for the droid. Sure looks good. Wont know until I chase with it to know if its really any good. Claims 5 minute radar updates and lightning data. We'll see.
The streaming apps, qik and ustream, both stink in comparison to chasertv. i've tested them both and can't recommend them as a chaser stream tool.

Ustream sucks, but Qik is far from sucking. If you are out and about and your pop-up severe thunderstorm becomes tornado warned and you are without your equipment besides your phone....Qik will certainly suffice.

The Droid can do pretty much anything you want it to do. Also, there are ways to get free teathering/wifi without all the garbage. Sure, PDAnet may be less hassle.....but you can learn a few things by playing around with some firmware for your phone.

I'll try to get into a little more detail on the teathering/wifi later.

In terms of weather software....I think you will see a few "big" companies making a run at the droid world sooner than later. One in particular that I know of....
Qik is definitely the better of the two cell streaming options but still far below a dedicated webcam with the larger sensor. Give the phone plenty of light and it's fantastic at taking pics.
The only way Verizon can tell if you're tethering is based on the header information that is pulled with each web page. The header will contain info showing you're accessing the net via a laptop and not just the phone.

As stated earlier, as long as your not downloading a lot of info they will have no idea. I highly doubt they're monitoring this. Highly doubt it. So stay below your 5 GB threshold and you will be fine.