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  • Thread starter Thread starter Billy Griffin
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The value in anything really comes down to the person spending the money, it doesn't really matter who is offering it. That really goes for ANYTHING. Obviously, for most of us that actively chase, we don't see that high of value in what he's offering, because it's mostly something we can supply for ourselves. Why do you think he doesn't market it to storm chasers? Someone that has plenty of money and has no clue about chasing could see a tremendous value in it. It's just like my video, I like sharing it with other chasers, but frankly, the market for it is outside the chase community. We chasers as consumers are a small lot.

What really makes me sick about the whole thing is that certain people can do something, and there is a big uproar of bitching and moaning about it, and it's acceptable and allowed to go on. The current example is this with Warren, but I can think of half a dozen other's over the last year. It's commonly acceptable among the majority of the chase community to annually bash on Warren. I think Shane gets a good round of bashing once or twice a year too. I bet though if you saw Roger Hill, or Tim Marshall or Dave Hoadley (just to pick out a few big names) put up an add trying to sell private tours at that price anyone would have a bad word to say about it, and if they did, they would quickly get chastised by the rest of the community. However, we allow con artists and imposters to run amok through the underbelly of storm chasing virtually unchecked and anyone is wrong if they try to call them out on it.

Warren, is just the one everyone seems to love to hate, and I think most of it is jealousy. I of all people, do understand there have been some personal conflicts that caused hard feelings. Things like that happen. Doesn't necessarily make either party a bad person. Some people just aren't made to get along. I have only had the opportunity to chase with Warren once when he was out with Jay on the Happy day. We missed the tornado but we still all had a great time and he was just as excited as we were to find that HUGE hail we found on the ground. Seemed to be every bit as excited about the weather as everyone else, and in that regard, seemed to still be every bit as much of a chaser as the rest of us, despite his commercial interests. Similar thing with Shane, I was a bit apprehensive about chasing with him the first time, but we had a terrific time and was one of the best chases I ever had.

Everyone is always cool and nice (with one or two exceptions) on the side of the road, and parties and conventions, etc. Why does it have to be any different when we converge on a message board?

I will say this about Warren. Even though I had been chasing for a while, when his book and video came out, that inspired me to go further with my chasing and try to make some sort of a business out of it. Why? Because I wanted to chase as much as possible and at every opportunity, and let's face it, you can't do that working for someone else. Other people came along like Roger Edwards and Tim Vasquez and Dave Gold and some others I am probably forgetting and made successful businesses out of the weather/chasing world which further inspired me. It just shows if you want something bad enough, it can be done.

Some don't like the commercialism in chasing, and that's fine. But I don't think it's any surprise to any of us that chasing gets expensive quickly. Working for someone else (especially if they don't understand your passion for weather) sucks. Why not make the best of both worlds if you can?

Chasing is very competitive, and I don't think there is anything wrong with that. Competition SHOULD make you get better at what you do, not get jealous. It should make each and every one of us get better with our chasing and forecasting skills. It should make us all strive to improve our video and photographs and resulting products we put out from that. When there is a day that someone else succeeds and you didn't....be supportive of that, because I guarantee you on another day that role will be reversed and you will be the one that succeeded when someone else failed and you would like to have that support too.
Regarding the high fees Warren is charging clients for what he's offering....one can also look at it from the glass is full optimist's perspective: And that is........he in effect might just be raising the bar with respect to fees that the ALL the other chase tours might be able to benefit from. Who said that a week or 10 days crammed in with another 10 or so sweaty folks in a big van is worth only 15-1700 bucks?? Perhaps as a result of Warren's rate.....you guys could charge substantially more. All I know is this..........I would NEVER want to be in the business of carting around a bunch of "wanna see a tornado" folks for all the oil in Arabia. I couldn't do it. But boy........if I had to......man, I'd make 'em pay. Because they're gonna make you earn every cent. And not only that.....I can see the day when that tour industry is wiped out overnite with legislation. All it's gonna take is one big disaster. We've all seen the video of the South Dakota tourguide that blasted his people seemingly inches past a howling F-4. I saw that again the other nite, and I could barely watch it. Man.......what a poor call that was.
From what I understand by reading his page it sounds like Warren donates at least some of the money he gets from these one on one tours to charity - but even if he wasn't - I don't think the $45,000 or so he'd be getting for doing 8 one-on-one tours per year is much more than what the tour groups who take 5 or 6 separate vanloads of people each year take in.
I have never met Warren Faidley, the only thing I know about him is what his website says, what is on the internet and what has been said on here. For what it is worth, the man can take a good picture, not saying he is the best, but he is good. It would look like to me that Warren has made a liviling on taking photos of weather and or video of it, being tornados, hurricanes etc.... Something I bet alot of us would like to do. I myself started chasing storms in the mid 80's granted there was a few years that I never made it out because of different thing going on in my life, such as getting married, having kids and so on. I hope to someday take pictures as good as Warren, and many others on ST (Jim Reed, Susan Strom etc..) are just some that take great photos. If someone whats to pay $6500.00 for a chase, let them, it does not make it wrong.
Wow.......I'm half amazed that this thread is still rolling along. As I stated before....I doubt there's any chaser out there that knows and has chased with Warren any more than I have. He and I go back to the late 80's or very early 90's...when he was just carving out a niche and learning how to chase and forecast. Now, any of you guys (and gals) who have been chasing for more than a year or two know that you REALLY don't know a chase partner until you chase with 'em more than a few times. And just like marriage.......after the honeymoon is over, you quickly begin to see the warts that each other have....especially after you get to arguing on a chase. In fact, I think Gene Rhoden said that I guy can't be considered a true chase partner until after you've argued like crazy on a chase. Rest assured, Faidley and I have done that. Read his first book......he relates how one eastern Oklahoma / tree-obscured / sheared apart updraft miserable day (and season) finally came to a head when I skidded the car to a stop and told him to get the "F" out of the car....that I was gonna kick his a**. I was serious, too. But....thank the good Lord it didn't happen, and a couple of hours later we were laughing and stuffing our faces with biscuits and gravy at some little dive near Vinita. And there have been plenty of times when I've been the one who needs his attitude adjusted by him. And over the decades.....we've had so many episodes good and bad that we're like brothers.......and damn good chase partners as a result. Last year, along with my chase partner and cousin Doren Berge we spent 5 long days in adjoining motel rooms in Amarillo with Warren....under blue skies. Not one bit of action from the Dakotas down to the panhandle. Talk about stress....and expenses piling up.
So suffice it to say....that I know him well.
When this slanderous book came out....I can assure you that Warren was deeply hurt......and I DO MEAN it was a blow to him. I knew nothing about it until he updated me via email...and being that I'm his good bud and chase partner, even I was surprised at how much this got to him.
Normally, I wouldn't pass that type of thing on to the so-called chaser "community" but oftentimes I feel that to some of you, invoking and bashing the Faidley name is some kind of enjoyable bloodsport. Perhaps knowing that he's human and suffers like the rest of us will allow you to think before you bellow. And yes, of course you have every right to do so, and trust me, Warren is a staunch American who believes in the right to free speech 100% of the time....but folks, so many have bashed him who wouldn't even know him if he walked in and sat in your chase vehicle with you.
The flip side of that last statement is that I am stunned and amazed at how many of you in here have written positive things about him and what he's accomplished. I mean......I'm truly proud! And there has been a lot of thought put into these responses, I can tell.
Guys.....Warren HAS made mistakes. Oh, I've cringed back in the old days when he was getting started, and he'd walk into a NOAA wx. forecast office like he owned the place..........with me in tow. Ohh God, don't remind me! But.....throughout the years he's grown up....like everyone else in here has / is doing. Those close to him have "tightened him up" over the years......as only true friends can do. Is there a man or woman in this "chase community" that doesn't have some embarassing episodes that others have "called" him or her on?? I doubt it.
For the sake of brevity.....I won't even go into the sacrifices that Warren has endured to become the best that he can be with respect to chasing / videography / storm photography. I remember the days when he would literally.......literally........train himself to operate like a NASCAR pit crew.......and time himself with a stopwatch while getting his video / still photography equipment out of his chase vehicle and set up ready to begin shooting?? He would work on this for hours and hours. He'd also time himself getting it all broken down and back in the vehicle. You're damn right it paid off in the field. Many times. How many of you bashers have ever even thought of doing that?? Ohh man.....and it doesn't stop there. He's a great looking man and 100% straight.....but never married. Never had kids. Why...he knew he could never find a woman who would put up with his type of career......and the time away from home it required. You see.....there's been a lot of sacrifice on his part, too.
Well, that's enough for this posting. Hope it helped paint a picture of Warren Faidley a bit. Thanks..........Joel Ewing
$3499 for a weeks entertainment????? Im going to Vegas..I can have fun, gamble, drive a convertable around town, eat very well.see the sight and come home with $2000 in my pocket to fund my storm adventures the rest of the season. HOW DOES W.F. lure that kind tourest???????? Does if come with your own VASELINE bottle?..or does he make you buy your own?
If people were willing to pay you that kind of money, would you not do the same thing that Warren is doing? There is nothing wrong with it! If someone was rich enough and willing to pay me 10,000 a day to chase with me I would do it in a heartbeat. I think most people in this chase forum would do the same thing. Again, I think the bashing of Warren is from pure simple jealousy.
If people were willing to pay you that kind of money, would you not do the same thing that Warren is doing? There is nothing wrong with it! If someone was rich enough and willing to pay me 10,000 a day to chase with me I would do it in a heartbeat. I think most people in this chase forum would do the same thing. Again, I think the bashing of Warren is from pure simple jealousy.

I agree that most would take that kind of money if someone was willing to pay it although a few would feel guilty about it.
I do not agree that some of the bashing is all jealousy. I would assume some don't care for the "chaser all-mighty" attitude that he has been said to have. He has done things to irritate more than a few chasers but I don't feel that a yearly WF Bash is warranted either. Especially being that most of us have never met him before. I personally can't see how someone would pay the money he is asking but if they do, more power to WF.
If you felt guilty about making a healthy profit, then running a business wouldn't be your cup of tea. There are lots of companies that gouge - take a look at Nike - I bet it costs them $6-$10 to make a pair of shoes, which they turn around and sell for +$100... The object is to maximize profits while keeping customers... It's better to have 5 customers at $2000 each than to have 40 customers at $250 each...

I somewhat agree with the "chaser all-mighty statement" too...
Yea, I was thinking the same thing about the direspectful vaseline comment made by Alan. Hope that boosted your ego a little.
I read Warren's book several times over the past few years. I really enjoyed his book, and I think he is definitely talented in his photography and literary skills.

I guess I just can't believe people would actually pay that kind of money for that kind of tour. But, if people are really actually willing to pay that kind of money I guess more power to him...
I always find it interesting that 99.9 percent of the hate/envy email
towards Warren is from OU-Norman or nearby.
Kind of makes you wonder who is bending young minds to the "dark side."

I could make a good guess!
