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  • Thread starter Thread starter Billy Griffin
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I know little of WF except being one of the "founding fathers" of chasing, his excellent photography, and hear-say.

The man does seem to be rather paranoid.

As far as his monetary endeavors? Pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered.
I have had my differences with Warren. some chase related ans some not. I have probably been guilty of bashing a few times which i do regret. he and I chased together for about 6 years before personal issues arose. I do commend him for trying to mend fences and admitting he, as all of us, have made foolish mistakes in the field.

I do not agree with some things that have been written about him like some of the things in that new book or about his chase tours. if some rich exec wants to pay $ out the butt to ride 1 on 1 with Warren or to even just team up with him in a seperate vehicle then I have no problem with it. i have seen rich people waste money on alot worse and for more $. Warren is doing nothing that any business person wouldnt do. hell if some exec offers me $5,000 for a week long ride I will even pick his rich butt up at the airport and carry his bags. It would pay for my whole vacation too. Why he can pull it off is name recognition which is what he is good at. His tours are not for regular middle class folks but upper end exec types that wouldnt pay a chase tour to ride with 8 other commoners so he is tapping an unused market. I wish him luck. (am I realy saying this??)

Now as for calling him one of the "founding fathers " of chasing. no offense to WF but he wasnt chasing back in the early to mid 80's like some of us. he has been chasing since I believe 89 or 90. Some of us were out there years before him but I still cant compete with his photography. His and Susan Strom's monsoon lightning shots are some of the best there are.

I dont think this forum is a place that any of us should bash another chaser unless they do something stupid that puts others in danger time and time again. We all chase for different reasons and none of us are better than any other. As long as it doesnt stop me from chasing they can do what they want. I may not agree with things they do but this is America
I know little of WF except being one of the "founding fathers" of chasing, his excellent photography, and hear-say.

This is not a personal slam on WF, but I'd be hesitant to call him a "founding father" of chasing. He can certainly be credited with being one of, if not, the first to bring chasing into the mainstream. But he'd only been chasing a couple of years before many members on this board started (about 1987 I think) and concurrently with a few of the old-timers (no offense to you old timers.: :-)


Some other author took a poke at Warren's book? That's out of bounds. Warren's book (Stormchaser, Pursuit of Untamed Skies) reads well, good photography, interesting stories. Not sure where there's room to poke there.
I agree with Dave. The double standard in regards to "bashing" on ST is obvious. And sad. And the occasional "band wagoning" on ST that I've followed over the years reminds me of schoolyard "Lord of the Flies" Bull Sh!t.

Warren is a good person. As I'm sure all of you are too. So why don't y'all just give the bashing a rest. It brings us all down.



The group mentality is a funny thing. I've seen a lot in the years I've been online, and found myself disgusted time and time again how people will hear/see one side of a story and make up their minds without ever bothering to form an opinion by getting the other side. And it's amazing how many will change their original opinion once they do make that effort. :D

And, I'm ashamed to admit, I too have been guilty of doing just that several times. I hope I've grown up a little on that score in the past few years. I hope that I now try to get both sides of a matter and form an opinion based on what I learn from doing so, an opinion of my own, and not one based on what everyone else thinks.

Every member of the chase community that I've actually met has been very nice in person. I sometimes find myself shocked by what is posted by some of those people...and I'm sure the same holds true for many of you who've met me in real life, lol.

We're all flawed, but if we can pinpoint some of our flaws and work on them, we come out the better for it, personally and as a whole.
Warren Faidley

I think Warren Faidley is a nice person and an excellent chaser, while I myself wouldn't pay 2500 to 6500$ to chase with him I do agree he has a right to charge those rates and I wish him all the best. I have a deep and passionate love for severe weather which makes me leave money/ego concerns at home when I'm chasing. I think it is awsome that Mr. Faidley can charge the above prices and I wouldn't hesitate in a second to do the same! I to have met with many chasers/weather enthusiasts while chasing and have never had a bad experience. I saw atleast 12 tornados last year, large hail etc. and no amount of money could equal the happiness that those experiences have brought me. I am "jealous" of Mr. Faidley but in a kind and respectable way, I wish I knew how to run a business the way he does and could make all that $$.I am proud to share the road with Mr. Faidley as well as with any other serious chasers out there.Thank god May is here!! :D
I have never met Mr. Faidley, so I really can't say anything good or bad about him personally because my opinion would be formed just on stuff that I've heard and not anything from direct experience with him. All that I know is that I see the whole "sell the chance to follow him on Ebay" thing as a HUGE waste of money, and I feel sorry for the sucker who would shell out that much (I doubt this person would be a chaser), when he/she could instead go on a tour with a well reputed company and learn a lot more just from being in the same vehicle with experienced chasers.

That being said, he has every right to do what he has done (hooray for capitalism), so while I think it's crazy and a huge waste of money on the part of the person who goes, I reckon it serves its purpose if it pays the bills. Also, if some of the money really does go to charity, then that makes it a little better I suppose.
I would think someone like a Trump would prefer the smaller crowd than a van full of strangers and a one on one would fit. On the other side I wouldn't spend the money to take a helicopter tour of the Grand Canyon but I won't condem people who do.

I would think there might also be times that WF might actually envy other chasers at times. The freedom to chase exactly how you want , sometimes care free and not having the worries of getting something profitable from it. Just be able to kick back and enjoy the moment. I'm sure he leads a caotic life...


Let us all learn not to jump on the popular opinion bandwagon or atleast get info from both sides to form a more knowledgeable opinion before feeling the need to join an attack... something I have lacked at times also
Well, some of us just think that some of the stuff he does is off the rocker, and I wouldn't consider that bashing him (I hope you don't either). As aforementioned, I could never bash him because I don't know him (and even if I did and formed an unfavourable opinion I would prolly still keep my mouth shut), but I know that if it were me selling an opportunity to follow me while chasing on Ebay (even if I was as experienced as he), I couldn't live with the guilt of it because I will feel like I cheated someone out of uneccesary money. That guilt mentality when it comes to situations as a whole is probably why I would never be a good businesswoman either 8) .
Some other author took a poke at Warren's book? That's out of bounds. Warren's book (Stormchaser, Pursuit of Untamed Skies) reads well, good photography, interesting stories. Not sure where there's room to poke there.

Why is a writer critiquing another writer out of bounds? Seems of all the talking heads that spout off about how good or bad a book is, the ones who actually write them would be the authority. I'm simply amazed at how people are just bandwagoning against this Big Weather book. Of the many sh*tty reviews I've read, over half the people haven't even read the book. People seem to be reacting to this book they way they did Twister; a few notables read it, hated it, said so. Then, all the novice folk (out of fear for being seen as a "yahoo" for supporting something the "big names" are against) just bash it too. If Doswell's review had been stellar, you'd be seeing a completely different attitude about this book on these threads. Sheeple :roll:

Maybe one of you should write the definitive book on storm chasing. With as much mud as I've seen slung at Big Weather, it's obvious at least a few of you have the ability to best it. I think the old phrase goes something like "be a part of the solution, not the problem..."

As far as WF himself is concerned, I judge people based on their personal actions towards me...not business rep or perceived public image. Having said that, I don't respect anyone who, instead of replying to me personally regarding a debate or disagreement, employees an attorney to send threatening emails of lawsuits.
A good example of misinformation was posted in this
thread recently, although I don't think is was intentional.
I don't remember Mr. Faidley selling a chance to "ride with
him on eBay." I think he is being confused with the tornado
car guy. I guess this is how issues sometimes start, but not always by bad intentions. Last night, I noticed Mr. Faidley updated his response
for those who have not read it:


Hello fellow chasers. This is Joel Ewing in Tucson. I've been chasing for a couple of decades...primarily solo....and keep a pretty low profile. Of all the guys and gals within in the chase world who know Warren Faidley the most.....it is I. I relish the opportunity to weigh in on this matter, however, business at hand keeps me from doing so until later today (Mon. 5-2) or tomorrow. That is.......if anybody is still interested and are still keeping an eye on this thread. Stay tuned! Thanks.....Joel
I have never met WF but have heard a lot of criticism about him over the years, as have we all. I do not know if the criticism is justified, from what I can tell some of it might be, but I’m not really in a position to judge most of it. The man does what he does, and the relentless self-promotion seems to have paid off for him. So what? What I wanted to say is that to me there is nothing inherently wrong or outrageous about the concept of charging fees for the privilege of following an experienced chaser. What, after all, is it that tour groups provide to their customers? As I see it, it is primarily the service of getting those customers to the right place at the right time. This can be accomplished just as easily by caravanning as by cramming everyone into vans. As long as the “tour director†gives good value, i.e. takes people to good vantage points where they can see and film tornadic storms, what’s the difference? The real main value added by tour operators is their forecasting ability and their competency at positioning themselves during the chase. It seems to me that this value is provided in full to those who follow in their own vehicles. While I may not approve of a lot of the things that WF has done, I have to say that charging for following privileges is not one of them. I’m not saying that it’s a great idea or that others should start doing it, I’m just pointing out that the concept is not as silly as some people made it out to be. As for the amount charged, in a capitalist society the value of something is what the market can bear. If people are willing to pay WF’s prices year after year, is that not proof that in this case the market can indeed bear it? Who are we to say that this is wrong?