How are you doing so far this season?

Nov 18, 2006
Chicago, IL
Yea yea I know the peak isn't here yet. I was just wondering how everyone is doing so far this season in comparison with others.

For me Im having my best season so far. I have yet to score a good tornado...but Ive gotten into the biggest hail Ive ever seen and I have tons of good structure and beautiful storm pictures. This time last year I could not say that. The same amount of chases as last year but last year everything so far was at night or so HP-ish all I had to show for it was pictures of haze.

The setups have been way different this year too. We have not had that big outbreak yet. The main target areas are all relatively small too...with slower storm motions allowing for the better structure too. Ill take it over rocketing HPs.
I bet > 50% of chasers haven't even chased yet ;) Ok..that number isn't scientific, but a lot of chase vacation people usually don't head out until mid-May.

The number that haven't chase yet include myself, so I'm batting .000 :D

Reminds me a little of 2000 and 2001 when the year was dominated by the lack of any major outbreaks in late April and early May. It's quite early yet, the good moisture usually isn't solidly in place until mid-May or so.
F for me. At least I'm not going down over the last few years :( . Last good daylight tube for me...April 6, 2006....oh 100+ chases ago(probably 50-60,000 miles ago....I could find out if I wanted to feel even worse....actually likely over 60,000 miles ago..damn it). I'm here for anyone that thinks they screw up all the time.
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I am a shaky 1 for 3 for tornadoes, but kind of whiffed this past Sunday missing the Packsaddle OK area show. Hoping for better things closer in mid/late May into early/mid June. I need to get on the chase trail and make things happen. These darned weekday events are frustrating as my vacation days are super valuable this year !!
So far in 3 chases I have a squall line, a brief lp supercell, and I left the target too early to get back home yesterday. Storms fired right when we hit I-35 after leaving Hennesey, OK. DOH! In all honesty though... it has been the first season I have felt confident enough in my forecasting to make those long drives. I nailed the target on both days this week haha.

Anyway, I dont think I can call it a good or bad season yet. Ask me in June! :)
Four chases, six supercells, and 2 days with a tornado. I'm happy with my forecasts for 3 of the 4 days. Strategic decisions have been a mixed bag. I was in good position for my first tornado, but got out of position for what should have been #2. The actual 2nd tornado was more of an accident while chasing a storm farther E on 4/29. I'd call it a decent start to the eason with one photogenic tornado so far. Sure beats 1988 and 2005.

It's still early in the season, but the next 12 days will largely determine how my chase season plays out. I'm due back at work in mid May.

Rich T.
So far 2009 has been fantastic for me not having to drive more than fifty miles from home to score. Six tornadoes on the 18th of April, and then just this week the 29th 3 more for sure and the most beautiful supercell I have ever seen. If things stay as active the rest of the season it could be a record year for me.
I am having a great year. Saw my first "photogenic" tornadoes ... largest hail ever, most chasing I've done "early" in the season, got to go to many new places, got to chase with some good friends ... even the busts have been fun.
Lousy for me so far. Illinois and nearby states have been very quiet since the start of April, and the action in Kansas and Oklahoma has just been too far away for me to chase, i.e. well out in the western parts. And as many on the list are acutely aware, much of it has not been on the days that looked like they would be the best.

Now, if I were in NM, as I am for part of the year but haven't been since March, there are some recent setups I would have chased. Probably some on what turned out to be over-hyped bust days and others on days like today that looked pretty good and lived up to expectations.

The one chance I had at decent supercells this season (4/13 in Indiana) I blew by setting out too late and playing a hopeless game of catch-up - a lesson I should have learned long ago, but apparently didn't. Other than that, all I have gotten in 3 outings is some decent structure shots on non-supercell convection. The one good thing is, it's only May 1!
Started out well here , with the Lone Grove storm . But has been slow ever since with only 4 chases , 2 tornado's so far. Work has been killing my time to chase. Praying for a good late May.
So far 2009 has been fantastic for me not having to drive more than fifty miles from home to score.

That's what I call "budget" chasing. Man, I hate you Plains guys! More tornadoes than time for 'em. ;)

Ask me at the end of May. That's when we'll be making the marathon drive down for two weeks worth of "continental breakfast" (stale bagels and orange juice) and sunburn.

Hopefully, we'll find a tube somewhere sandwiched in between. Best of luck to all!

4 chases so far with 3 tornado days including the Roll, Ok tornados and the Cedar point, Tx tornados. Incredible video so far. Been a very good start. Cant wait to see what the last half of May and 1st week of June holds on for my vacation.
My official vacation starts Sunday and kind of a bummer looking forecast for next week. SPC doesn't have a single day past Sunday with a threat. I still think there is potential for Wednesday (5/6) but models aren't very consistent at the moment. Good CAPE and dew points in Texas that day. Anyway, I've been out only once so far on the Roll, OK day but didn't score. Looking forward to the next couple of weeks and maybe we can get something going later next week...:rolleyes:
Only one chase out of five this year I wouldn't label a bust. 4/25 I caught the largest hail I've been in. Hail is a consolation prize for me as I usually avoid it due to its damaging effects. This chase was also bittersweet because I missed spotting a funnel that went right over my head, and instead was focused on some craptastic rising scud. 4/26 stung the most though. I know there were lots of chasers that didn't score that day, but I get sick to my stomach every time I see those gorgeous photos that came in from Roll. Adding insult to injury I again missed spotting a funnel that others in the caravan caught because I was messing with my camera at the time. I'm still bitter about that chase. I need to bag at least one tornado this season, and I'll be getting more and more desparate as the season progresses. I'm not despairing yet though as its only the beginning of May.
Thus far, I've seen one tornado in five trips out, which hopefully isn't too bad of a ratio considering this is my rookie year. I was fortunate enough to view the nocturnal tornado that produced damage in Enid on the night of April 25. Aside from that, I haven't seen anything more than some good structure shots, but the only time I saw nothing was April 30. It seems like I have developed a knack for picking the perfect target on days I can't chase, but then screwing up my forecast when I actually go out. I hope I can improve on this, but I'd be lying if I said if wasn't frustrating. At least it's still just the beginning of May, and there's plenty of prime chase season yet to come!