High Voltage Megawatt Gallery

Fantastic images, it is so fun to see! Isn't it funny that everyone has such a different style. I always think that is what makes lightning photography fun, that each person handles it differently, like artists 8)
Great pictures Marko !

I realise that you are 1000-2000kms from there, but I was wondering if you know anything about a waterspout hotspot on the Black Sea's NE shore. I am unsure where I even read this but the writer mentions the area as having repeated nocturnal waterspouts and some have moved ashore and damaged towns.
Creative compositions...expert photographic technique...there is some serious lightning talent on this board!

I love the way each person handles their lightning photography so differently - in composition, photography technique, equipment choices. That is what makes lightning photography so interesting to me. You take a raw electrical storm courtesy of Mother Nature, and integrate it with a foreground element the best you can given your location and storm conditions, use exposure calculations to try and nail the shot, then wait for the lab processing to see what you might have (unless shooting digital). There are several exposure variables that work, depending on atmospheric conditions, film, focal length, remaining beautylight and other variables. Everyone arrives at their solutions differently, creating remarkable variety. Thanks everybody for continuing to post fantastic work!
Awesome pics, everyone! Marko's shot of the lightning hitting the water are the BEST!

Gotta get me a good camera....
I love the pictures of the Dallas skyline and lightning James. I wish I still lived there so I could take pictures of it too.
Thanks everyone! 8)

Originally posted by Michael Thompson
Great pictures Marko !

I realise that you are 1000-2000kms from there, but I was wondering if you know anything about a waterspout hotspot on the Black Sea's NE shore. I am unsure where I even read this but the writer mentions the area as having repeated nocturnal waterspouts and some have moved ashore and damaged towns.
Unfortunatelly I don't know more about this, I just heard something in this way :oops:

¡Hola! Más megawatts 8) Enjoy

[Broken External Image]:http://img253.echo.cx/img253/338/hvlightplay1qd.jpg
[Broken External Image]:http://img205.echo.cx/img205/1921/hvtwilight7dj.jpg
[Broken External Image]:http://img248.echo.cx/img248/3334/hvstormlight8ay.jpg
[Broken External Image]:http://img259.echo.cx/img259/7716/hvdutchmanne8fg.jpg
[Broken External Image]:http://img253.echo.cx/img253/8213/hvsawtooth7rr.jpg
[Broken External Image]:http://img203.echo.cx/img203/1269/hvlightfall7lc.jpg

Top to bottom:
-Sideways in Scottsdale
-An August night in SE Arizona
-Desert pulse thunderstorm
-Monsoon cloud over Superstition Mountain lit by glow of setting sun
-Superstition Mountain (same mountain) with electrical storm
-Lightning hits a sawtooth range in the Central Deserts of Arizona
-CG strikes desert floor
Originally posted by cedwards
This one was taken in Phoenix in 1998 in THUNDERbird Park.
[Broken External Image]:http://www.cloud9tours.com/temp/61998.jpg

Hey Charles...are you looking south over downtown Phoenix in this shot? There is an *awesome* vantage point off Lincoln Dr. right atop the Biltmore area which looks south to the downtown. One of the local news stations suggested it to me and just to check it out I drove up the mountain during the daytime first, just to be sure it was a good spot. All I can say is that the view of downtown Phoenix was absolutely stunning. I go there now & then, when I can make it over there in time (I live in the far east Valley). However, the cops do come poking around up there and one time they made me leave about 1am. Then another night I shot from there for 3 hours before the CGs got too close and I had to head down the hill a bit. There is so much lightning in your shot...must have been quite a night.